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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

All content by Patrick Seaman
Tel Aviv: Nineteen Forty-Eight

Tel Aviv: Nineteen Forty-Eight

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer October 13, 2017
Patrick Seaman reflects on how his experience in Lebanon affects his experience in Tel Aviv.
Music Fans May Listen Mindfully

Music Fans May Listen Mindfully

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer September 14, 2017
Separating the person from the music they make is a dangerous way to desensitize ourselves to their often destructive behaviors.
Stefanie Chan for WSN

Welcome Week Stories: A Failed Stint as a New York Guru

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer August 28, 2017
Patrick Seaman's Welcome Week adventure took an interesting turn.
Don’t Demonize the Average American Voter

Don’t Demonize the Average American Voter

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer October 17, 2016
To vote for your own interests shouldn’t automatically make you an awful person, even if that puts you with Trump.
Pay Interns Before You Profit Off Them

Pay Interns Before You Profit Off Them

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer September 12, 2016
By ruling that firms can bill their clients for unpaid intern work, the State Bar Association makes it permissible to have law firms directly profit off of work that they themselves are not even paying for.
Kaepernick Embodies Sports' Double Standards

Kaepernick Embodies Sports’ Double Standards

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer September 6, 2016
This isn’t the first, nor the last time that an athlete of color, or one of a similarly afflicted minority group will use their platform to raise their voice against injustice.
Let White People Talk White Privilege

Let White People Talk White Privilege

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer April 18, 2016
Reflection is hard to do, especially when you are, like me, part of an exceptionally privileged race, gender and class.
Recognizing the Islam of the Islamic State

Recognizing the Islam of the Islamic State

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer March 24, 2016
In order defeat our enemies, we must first understand them. And if we wish to do so, we need to be able to not only accept the fact that ISIS is Islamic, but also differentiate between being rooted in Islam and representing Islam.
Trump As the Lesser of Two Evils

Trump As the Lesser of Two Evils

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer March 21, 2016
While Trump may spout off nonsense and inspire fear and hate in his followers, he isn’t as staunchly devoted to right-wing extremism the same way that Cruz is.
Catholic Official Testifies Against Child Abuse: Now What?

Catholic Official Testifies Against Child Abuse: Now What?

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer March 4, 2016
The lack of transparency in the Vatican’s investigations into those responsible for child abuse, as well as the apparent failure to prevent further abuse cases, is a blemish on the Church’s already precarious reputation.
Independent Bookstores Shouldn’t Have To Compete with Amazon to Survive

Independent Bookstores Shouldn’t Have To Compete with Amazon to Survive

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer February 24, 2016
If the independent bookstore is to survive, people need to treat it as a destination, not just a stop on the road.
To Defeat Boko Haram, Nigeria Needs Global Aid

To Defeat Boko Haram, Nigeria Needs Global Aid

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer February 8, 2016
The world must look to Boko Haram as a challenge and a threat to stability everywhere, not just in West Africa.
Sexual Assault Courses Probe for Good Reason

Sexual Assault Courses Probe for Good Reason

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer January 25, 2016
Student privacy an earnest discussion about sexuality are both important -- university administrations must take care not to sacrifice too much of one for the sake of the other.
Europe should not close its borders

Europe should not close its borders

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer November 17, 2015
The people who attacked Paris may have been Syrian, or they all could have been French, but they really were terrorists. When European leaders begin to speak of closing borders and limiting refugees allowed into countries, they give in to the wishes of terror organizations.
US must not give Israel a blank check

US must not give Israel a blank check

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer November 12, 2015
The US cannot afford to have its assets tied up in Israel any longer.
De Blasio must tackle NYC homelessness problem

De Blasio must tackle NYC homelessness problem

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer November 3, 2015
De Blasio must keep his promise on tackling homelessness in NYC.
GMOs must be embraced

GMOs must be embraced

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer October 22, 2015
In this week's point-counterpoint, staff writer Patrick Seaman argues in favor of GMOs.
U.S. must choose better allies abroad

U.S. must choose better allies abroad

Patrick Seaman, Contributing Writer October 6, 2015
Given the Saudi Arabia's poor human rights record, they have no business heading up the UN's new human rights panel.

UN must take stronger action with development goals

Patrick Seaman, Contributing Writer September 21, 2015
The year is 2015, many of the UN's goals lofty have not been successful. They must set more reachable goals.
14 years on, U.S. must revise foreign policy in Middle East

14 years on, U.S. must revise foreign policy in Middle East

Patrick Seaman, Contributing writer September 11, 2015
The US must revisit its foreign policy as it arms "moderate" Syrian rebels.