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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News


Trump’s Executive Order Censors Palestinian Voices

Trump’s Executive Order Censors Palestinian Voices

President Trump’s executive order claiming to target anti-Semitism on college campuses erases the diversity of Jewish people and equates Jewish identity with Zionism. It will suppress pro-Palestine students at every university in the US, including NYU.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor January 27, 2020

On Dec. 11, President Trump signed into law “The Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism,” which claims to combat the rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses by revoking...

Sugarcoating White Supremacy in US History Needs to Stop

Sugarcoating White Supremacy in US History Needs to Stop

American primary and secondary education curriculums heavily focus on Western European and U.S. achievements in history, yet fail to recognize the harmful effects that colonial triumphs have on minority communities in contemporary society.
Gabby Lozano, Staff Writer December 1, 2019

Growing up on the East Coast of the U.S., learning about Thanksgiving consisted of creating hand-turkeys, cutting out paper leaves in hues of red and orange and reenacting the...

The Necessity of Protesting on Privileged Ground

The Necessity of Protesting on Privileged Ground

The protest at the Harvard-Yale football game should be a catalyst for future change at NYU.
Jun Sung, Deputy Opinion Editor November 26, 2019

The annual Harvard-Yale football game was disrupted on Saturday by student activists from Divest Harvard, Yale Endowment Justice Coalition and Fossil Free Yale who demanded that...

Immigrants Don’t Need to Earn Human Decency

Immigrants Don’t Need to Earn Human Decency

Immigrants should not have to prove themselves worthy of being in this country.
Asha Ramachandran, Contributing Writer November 25, 2019

The U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority indicated on Nov. 12 that the body is leaning toward shutting down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. DACA, an...

De Blasio’s Abysmal Attempt at Homeless Outreach

De Blasio’s Abysmal Attempt at Homeless Outreach

Mayor de Blasio’s Outreach NYC program is a miserable attempt at solving the city’s homelessness crisis.
Jun Sung, Deputy Opinion Editor November 19, 2019

Mayor Bill de Blasio launched Outreach NYC last week, which aims to address the city’s homelessness issue. The program encourages city workers to contact a command center when...

Bloomberg and the Politics of Class Struggle

Bloomberg and the Politics of Class Struggle

As former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg looks to run for President, it is important to understand that he is a direct reaction against the rise of the left in the U.S.
Jun Sung, Deputy Opinion Editor November 12, 2019

On Nov. 8, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg filed to run in the Alabama Democratic Primary. His advisors say that he is running because he believes the candidates in...

Beto’s Success Amounts to Pretty Privilege

Beto’s Success Amounts to Pretty Privilege

Much of the optimism and excitement around Beto’s audacious presidential run can be attributed not to any unique political ideas, but his attractiveness.
Emily Dai, Staff Writer November 11, 2019

Beto O’Rourke, tumbling in poll numbers and dwindling in fundraising figures, recently dropped out of the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries. After struggling to channel...

alexandra chan

US Politicians Don’t Know How to Deal With Hong Kong

The fight for democracy in Hong Kong deserves better than the political maneuvering and schemes of U.S. politicians.
Alexandra Chan, Staff Writer November 4, 2019

Images of a rally outside the U.S. embassy in Hong Kong peppered local news outlets and social media in September. Protesters clad in black waved U.S. flags, asking the supposed...

New York City Must Help Its Homeless Children

New York City Must Help Its Homeless Children

The number of New York City public school students experiencing homelessness has remained higher than the population of Albany for over a year. The failure of the city to significantly reduce this number shows the city needs to treat this issue like the crisis it is.
Cole Stallone, Opinion Editor November 4, 2019

Since last year, over 114,000 New York City public school students have continued to struggle with homelessness, and nearly 38,000 live in shelters. Recent reports by the Advocates...

Vote Yes on Ballot Question 1

Vote Yes on Ballot Question 1

New Yorkers must vote for ranked-choice voting to revolutionize the city’s political landscape.
Jun Sung, Deputy Opinion Editor October 28, 2019

New York City residents will be able to vote on Nov. 5 whether or not to implement a ranked-choice voting system for local primaries and certain special elections. Under this system,...

Understanding the Trend of Performance Activism

Understanding the Trend of Performance Activism

Many students take to social media to advocate against current policies, but these trends rarely translate into action.
Gabby Lozano, Staff Writer October 28, 2019

I fall into the group of people that looks to Twitter for national and global updates on society, politics, the environment and, well, practically anything else. On my feed, I...

The False Promise of Closing Rikers Island

The False Promise of Closing Rikers Island

The city’s so-called proposal to close the jail and build four new ones only guarantees the creation of the newer jails. Rikers’ closure, set for 2026, is not guaranteed to happen.
Asha Ramachandran, Contributing Writer October 27, 2019

The New York City Council overwhelmingly voted earlier this month to close the notorious Rikers Island jail complex. The $8 billion resolution will replace Rikers by building,...