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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News


It’s time to address anti-Black appropriation in Asian activism

It’s time to address anti-Black appropriation in Asian activism

The activism resulting from the recent rise in hate crimes against East and Southeast Asians must remain consciously against the appropriation of Black activists’ labor.
Srishti Bungle, Contributing Writer March 25, 2021

In response to the tragic shooting at Atlanta on March 16, 2021, media company 88rising posted a neon green-yellow square on Instagram. Captioned, “Enough is enough. Heartbroken...

NYU climate action must prioritize Indigenous knowledge

NYU climate action must prioritize Indigenous knowledge

In order to combat this climate crisis, we must rework spaces of environmental action to prioritize Indigenous knowledge.
Michelle Han, Contributing Writer March 24, 2021

Though discussions around the climate crisis have taken a back seat to COVID-19, the pandemic has reinforced the speed with which natural disasters can break down our understanding...

Make ride-share drivers employees

Make ride-share drivers employees

Last week, a Lyft driver was viciously attacked by two passengers while carrying out a ride in Queens. The persistent cases of violence against ride-hailing drivers highlights a larger issue of contractor-based business models.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor March 23, 2021

On March 16, Lyft driver Ashish Sapkota was attacked by two passengers in Queens. What began as an ordinary ride quickly derailed when the passengers began fighting in the backseat....

Hate crimes against Asian Americans deserve better media coverage

Hate crimes against Asian Americans deserve better media coverage

The coverage of the Atlanta killings alludes to a broader issue in reporting on hate crimes against Asian Americans.
WSN Editorial Board March 22, 2021

Earlier this week, eight people tragically lost their lives in an Atlanta-area massage business shooting rampage. Six of the victims were women of Asian descent and the killer...

The Atlanta shooting requires intersectional analysis

The Atlanta shooting requires intersectional analysis

We need to recognize the intersections of race, gender and labor to honor the victims of the Atlanta shooting.
Alexandra Chan, Multimedia Editor March 19, 2021

I spent days following the Atlanta shooting scrolling Twitter, cynically observing the shared rage of my community, the official coverage uncritically regurgitating quotes from...

You know who had a bad day? Asian women

You know who had a bad day? Asian women

The killing of six Asian women in Atlanta is a hate crime informed by centuries of exoticization and dehumanization.
Ashley Wu, Opinion Editor March 18, 2021

Yesterday morning, I awoke to frantic texts from relatives and friends back home in Georgia who were terrified by an act of senseless violence in a year fraught with hate crimes.  On...

Keep New York City's streets open

Keep New York City’s streets open

New York City did the right thing by opening the streets to pedestrians during the pandemic. The streets should stay open after the pandemic.
Kevin Kurian, Deputy Opinion Editor March 17, 2021

One of the only good things to come out of the pandemic was the opening of New York’s streets.  The Open Streets initiative benefited New York’s small businesses when they...

De Blasio's police reform is hollow and insufficient

De Blasio’s police reform is hollow and insufficient

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s new police reform plan is full of abstract ideals and does not take the concrete, radical action necessary to transform the current reality of a violent NYPD.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor March 16, 2021

After a summer swept by protests for racial justice and demonstrations demanding the New York Police Department be defunded and held accountable for its violent racism, Mayor Bill...

$15 an hour is not enough, especially in New York

$15 an hour is not enough, especially in New York

Srishti Bungle, Contributing Writer March 15, 2021

The fight for the $15 minimum wage started in 2012. Adjusted for inflation, $15 in 2012 is worth $17.41 today. This January, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) led the Democratic Party...

HBO Max decision harms theaters for profit

HBO Max decision harms theaters for profit

Sam Gray, Contributing Writer March 15, 2021

Warner Brothers announced that their upcoming movies will be streamed on HBO Max in December. Since these films will be released simultaneously in theaters, this decision has robbed...

NYU Is Neglecting Its Struggling Graduate Students

NYU Is Neglecting Its Struggling Graduate Students

NYU’s graduate student union and its fight for a fair contract have been met with complete disregard. It’s time for the administration to step up and meet the demands of its graduate student workforce for negotiations, or else risk a collective strike.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor March 12, 2021

More than 1,200 graduate students who belong to the Graduate Student Organizing Committee (GSOC) have signed a petition demanding to resume negotiations for a fair contract. After...

Vaccine entitlement is unacceptable

Vaccine entitlement is unacceptable

Cutting in line for the COVID-19 vaccine threatens marginalized communities and undermines public trust in our healthcare system.
Lucy Yama, Contributing Writer March 11, 2021

As New York City accelerates COVID-19 vaccine distribution, the threat of vaccine entitlement jeopardizes the lives of the city’s most vulnerable populations. Vaccine entitlement...