Opinion: NYU needs to protect Arab and Muslim students on the anniversary of 9/11
As the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 approaches, vulnerable populations are bracing themselves once more for the anniversary of one of the most infamous terrorist attacks. What will NYU do to protect students who are worried about what this anniversary means for their safety?
Srishti Bungle, Deputy Opinion Editor
• September 2, 2021
Opinion: De Blasio’s rezoning plan is gentrification in the making
Mayor Bill de Blasio pledged to increase access to affordable housing for SoHo, NoHo and Chinatown residents with a controversial upzoning plan. The plan, however, will likely instead increase gentrification in NYU’s backyard and reduce net affordable housing. The City Planning Commision should reject it outright.
Asha Ramachandran, Opinion Editor
• September 1, 2021
Opinion: A premature vaccine passport can threaten public health and equity
The vaccine passport has arrived in New York and is being debated around the country. Vaccine hesitancy poses a fundamental challenge to reaching herd immunity – therefore, a vaccine passport is contingent on increased vaccination efforts.
Lucy Yama, Staff Writer
• May 6, 2021
Opinion: Let’s include voices of color into the sustainability movement
The sustainability movement needs to take strides to become more intersectional and community oriented.
Batoul Saleh, Staff Writer
• May 5, 2021
Opinion: When campus conservatives invoke ‘ideological diversity,’ don’t take them seriously
While conservative movements on campus stress the importance of ideological diversity, there's a price to pay for supporting the movement.
Srishti Bungle, Staff Writer
• May 4, 2021
Opinion: Conservative win in Second Amendment case could spur liberal court reform
Last Monday, the Supreme Court agreed to review a lower court decision regarding the Second Amendment, making this the first time the court has taken up this issue in over a decade. While gun rights activists are almost surely going to win, liberals may be able to turn it around and push for further court reform.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor
• May 3, 2021
Opinion: Brooklyn’s fracked gas pipeline endangers vulnerable communities
Despite the associated health and environmental risks, the National Grid plans to build a fracked gas pipeline that runs through Brooklyn, which will hit marginalized communities the hardest. It is about time that we halt this pipeline and transition towards green energy.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor
• April 26, 2021
Opinion: The Museum Gateway Program suspension is an opportunity to scrutinize our relationship with museums
While we cannot reverse the suspension of NYU’s Museum Gateway program, we can use this time to re-evaluate our relationships with museums and which ones we, as students, receive free admission to.
Michelle Han, Contributing Writer
• April 22, 2021
OPINION: New York City’s next mayor must prioritize supportive housing
The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated New York City’s homelessness problem. Supportive housing is a sustainable solution that addresses both the financial and rehabilitative needs of many homeless individuals.
Lucy Yama, Staff Writer
• April 21, 2021
The NYPD’s war against racial justice protesters
According to recently leaked documents, the New York City Police Department’s anti-terror unit trained officers to disregard the constitutional rights of demonstrators during last summer’s protests for racial justice. This unit must be disbanded and officers involved held accountable for these abuses.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor
• April 12, 2021
NYU needs to combat the bystander effect
The recent rise of anti-Asian hate crimes has highlighted how dangerous it is to be a bystander in times of crisis. NYU must do more to combat this violence through more robust bystander intervention training.
WSN Editorial Board
• April 5, 2021
Students with special needs must be prioritized
The current plan for in-person instruction issued by the New York City Department of Education leaves out students with special education needs: a vulnerable population of students whose academic performance is threatened by school closings.
Batoul Saleh, Contributing Writer
• March 31, 2021
Yezen Saadah, Editor-in-Chief • December 19, 2024
Hope Pisoni, Staff Writer • December 14, 2024
Dharma Niles, News Editor • December 13, 2024
Ivanka Sun, Contributing Writer • December 13, 2024