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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

No Longer In Use

New York Reacts: Trump Elected President

Anna Letson, Multimedia Editor November 9, 2016
NYU Journalism students went around New York today and asked people about their feelings surrounding the election results. This is what they had to say.
Donald Trump won the presidential election on Tuesday night, in a turn of events that perhaps no one, even Trump himself, saw coming.

Donald Trump Has Been Elected President of the United States

Alex Bazeley, Editor-in-Chief November 9, 2016

Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States early Wednesday morning, ending the most ridiculous presidential race in recent history with the outcome that...

Madonna Affirms That #ShesWithHer at WSP Rally

Sayer Devlin and Natasha Roy November 8, 2016
Madonna performed at an impromptu rally in the fountain of Washington Square Park on the eve of election day.

Presidential Election Overshadows Local Ones

Téa Kvetenadze, Contributing Writer October 31, 2016
NYU students talk about whether or not they are interested in local elections in light of the Presidential election.
On the afternoon preceding the third and final presidential debate, a crowd gathered at Trump Tower to protest his treatment of women.

NYU Joins Pussy Power Movement At Trump Tower

Jemima McEvoy, Deputy News Editor October 20, 2016
Protestors gathered outside the Trump Tower in response to the recently leaked video of Trump making derogatory remarks about women.
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s "Nosh the Vote" campaign brought voter registration to NY Dosa’s in WSP on October 11th.

Students Talk Voting Importance in Light of NY Deadline

Téa Kvetenadze, Contributing Writer October 13, 2016
NYU students still think it's important to vote in New York, even if it's a blue state.
NYU Reacts: Second Presidential Debate

NYU Reacts: Second Presidential Debate

NYU students weigh in on last night's presidential debate.
What Did NYU Think of the Presidential Debate?

What Did NYU Think of the Presidential Debate?

Alice Li, Contributing Writer September 26, 2016
NYU Politics Society hosted a viewing party for the first presidential debate.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump face off in the first presidential debate, located at Hofstra University.

The First Presidential Debate: Live from WSN

Watch a live stream of the debate below, and follow along with a curated list of thoughts (in 140 characters or fewer) from the WSN staff.
WSN Staff September 26, 2016
The WSN staff shares their thoughts on the first presidential debate of 2016.
The Libertarian Party is one of the third parties, often neglected by voters. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian nominee, has been stirring noise in the impending presidential election.

Finding Liberty in a Third Party

Rachel Rivers, Contributing Writer September 20, 2016
In a contentious election season where Democrats and Republicans are frustrated in their choice of candidates, some NYU students are turning to the alternative appeal of the Libertarian Party.
Proudly proclaiming his Trump allegiance, Nachmany changed his Facebook profile picture with the caption “Let’s make America great again.”

Trump Controversy Reaches State Level

Diamond Naga Siu, News Editor September 19, 2016
The New York College Republicans Federation has been plunged into controversy as Cornell Republicans threatened to sue SPS senior Eli Nachmany for decertifying the club after it officially endorsed Libertarian Gary Johnson.
After deciding whether to vote in New York or your home state, it is also important to cast your ballot on election day. Voting can be as simple as mailing in an absentee ballot

Don’t Let Your First Election Pass Without Voting

Maria Puertas, Contributing Writer September 6, 2016
WSN provides a student voter's handbook with important tips, tricks and deadlines for successfully voting this coming November.