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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Diversity at NYU

The post-it notes covering Anastasiya Muravyeva's  door on Nov. 17 displayed rhetoric commonly employed by white nationalists, like "white pride" and "make America white again."

Post-Its With Swastika, ‘White Pride’ Found on Gramercy Door

Sayer Devlin and Diamond Naga Siu November 17, 2016
A student living in the Gramercy Green residence hall found her door covered in post-it notes displaying pro-Trump rhetoric on Thursday morning.
NYU students and staff crowd the stairs of Kimmel at an MSA rally.

NYU Islamophobia Post-Trump Election

Diamond Naga Siu, News Editor November 17, 2016
Islamophobia increased around both the nation and the university after Donald Trump became president-elect, and two Muslim females shared their narratives with the current political climate.
Hundreds of Students Stage Walkout to Declare NYU a 'Sanctuary Campus'

Hundreds of Students Stage Walkout to Declare NYU a ‘Sanctuary Campus’

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 16, 2016
NYU students walked out of their classes on Wednesday in support of the nationwide #SanctuaryCampus movement.

Fight Against Islamophobia Continues at Tandon Rally

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy November 16, 2016
The Muslim Student Association held another rally in response to the vandalism at the Tandon campus.
Muslim students at NYU's school of engineering woke up Wednesday to find the door to their prayer room vandalized in the name of Donald Trump.

Tandon Prayer Room Vandalized With ‘Trump!’

Sayer Devlin, Deputy News Editor November 10, 2016
Muslim students at the Tandon School of Engineering found the outside of their prayer room vandalized on Wednesday, with one word scrawled in erasable marker across the door: “Trump!”
Student protesters called for gun reform at Columbus Circle.

Student Fights Police Brutality With NO TOLERANCE Movement

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 7, 2016
NYU students led a peaceful protest that advocated for gun control and against police brutality at Columbus Circle on Saturday.
LS Professor Michael Rectenwald has condemned a former NYU professor for a tweet he considered to be inciting violence.

Anti-PC Professor in High Demand

Diamond Naga Siu, News Editor November 7, 2016
Even in light of recent controversy, it seems that many students are still interested in taking Michael Rectenwald's classes.
The Native American and Indigenous Students Group has criticised the lack of a Native American and Indigenous Studies program in the past, claiming NYU’s status as a global institute should mean it represents all cultural identities.

Rallying for a Native American Studies Minor

Raven Quesenberry, Contributing Writer November 7, 2016
Native American and indigenous students are advocating for NYU to begin offering a Native studies minor.
Michael Rectenwald, Liberal Studies clinical assistant professor, has been condemned and punished by members of the department for his controversial @antipcnyuprof twitter account.

Q&A with a Deplorable NYU Professor

Diamond Naga Siu, News Editor October 24, 2016
WSN sat down with Deplorable NYU Professor.
Cornell Brooks, President of NAACP, spoke about civil rights and education as a part of NYU Steinhardt's Education Solutions Initiative.

NAACP President Discusses Student Roles in Civil Rights and Education

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor October 19, 2016
The NAACP President Cornell Brooks came to NYU to discuss the current state civil rights and education.
NYU’s Catholic Centre, just one of the religious hubs housed in GCASL, contains a comfortable common room and chapel, each adorned with statues and portraits.

Faith Leaders Praise NYU’s Religious Diversity Efforts

Faith Gates, Contributing Writer October 12, 2016
Faith leaders on campus praise NYU for its religious diversity.
Amid claims that NYU does not foster an inclusive environment for people of color, a new lawsuit against the university claims that an employee faced discrimination in his time here.

Study Points to Greater Faculty Diversity

Sayer Devlin, Deputy News Editor October 11, 2016
Two Steinhardt adjunct professors discovered that students prefer teachers of color, which prompts the discussion of greater NYU faculty diversity.