After the quiet melancholy
A collection of poems about heartbreak, pain, growth, and — eventually — moving on.
January 24, 2022

Going Down
The pain of our pieces not fitting after years of assembly
My rage at wet towels and wet socks
The joy of seeing your face again
The pain of watching you go
The comfort of my favorite soft sweater
The memory that it came from you
The nervous shake of cold hands
And the anxious tap of sweaty feet
I cannot focus on anything but my heartbeat
As it grows faster and faster under the stretch marks on my beer belly
I cannot yet tell if I want to prove you wrong or prove you right
If I want to give it all up or plow my head into my work
If I want to write or if I want to erase it all
If I don’t know who I am
Without you

it feels as though there is a thirty ton boulder
circular, curving up to the ceilings of this brooklyn apartment
the boulder is sitting on my chest
it’s been sitting here for so long that i wonder
if the curve of my sternum is made from its weight.
the boulder is with me everywhere and it keeps rolling on top of me and i can’t breathe
the boulder is getting bigger. the boulder looks bigger today than it was yesterday.
But perhaps I am too

The Smudges in the Archives
the pain has subsided for the first time in months
and has been replaced with a quiet melancholy
the pages of my life have turned to a new chapter
a new fun act has begun but I still miss the first one
as I wipe away the smudges of the previous days
I archive our photos away
maybe for some other day
it hurts to try to leave this moment that I loved so much
but it’s over and done with and needs to be through
you’re gone and you’ve left and it’s been several months
and I haven’t lived in many suns

Picking Up the Pieces
this is just to say that i am putting my heart back together
i am picking up the pieces you broke
i am healing the wounds
i am moving on from the pain you subjected me to
the work is not done but after the pain came the quiet melancholy and after the melancholy i felt moments of peace, finally.
so i am putting my heart back together
so i am done breaking pieces of it off to feed you
i pick up the pieces all one at a time
all of my heart that you braided to twine
i pick up these pieces to mend all my bones
Rope that you’ve braided to climb out the hole
picking up the pieces of my heart
that have been strewn around my room for months
the pieces that were charred when you set our house aflame
walking through the neighborhood skipping the songs that sound like you
my friends remind me what being loved feels like and i realize
love doesn’t always remind me of you
this is just to say that I am putting my heart back together
I am picking up the pieces you broke
and the pieces I broke
and the pieces I neglected and let dust over
I am picking them up and gluing them and holding them tight
this is just to say
that I am going to be okay
Contact Matthew Davis at [email protected].
Sunny Sequeira • Feb 5, 2022 at 11:58 am
these were so wonderful! i particularly liked “going down” – all the images you described were warm & familiar. lines 1, 2, & 10 (amongst many others) made me smile. “and i haven’t lived in many suns” is such a beautiful line. well done ?