“All Muslims Are Terrorists”
(Illustration by Echo Chen)
April 30, 2018
I walked into class, excited. A new semester meant new friends. I presented a subtle smile, one to show others that I’m friendly but not creepy. After I entered the class, I felt something burning my skin — the looks. I heard students shift and stare as I made my way to the front row. Checked my watch — no, not late. Looked around — yes, the only hijabi.
That must have been one of the first day’s rituals — to stare. But the staring continued. Every day I walked into class, people stared and others picked up their things and moved away from me. When I sat down, people clutched their bags. In my statistics class, every morning, the same girl, who I often left a seat for between her and myself, would have her things out on the table. As soon as I would walk past her, she would grab everything and stare at me as she moved away. Other days, she would sit in the seat next to mine and put her bookbag on my seat. That’s when I realized that many of these students went out of their way to make me feel uncomfortable.
I often get asked how it feels to be in the Stern School of Business, and nothing comes to mind except for the feeling of my hands sweating, throat tightening and heart dropping. As soon as I walk into the building, I’m immediately on high alert.
Who’s going to stare? Check the time. Who’s going to say something? Check the time. Who’s going to run away? Check the time. Who’s going to attack? Time to go.
Every time I walk into the building, I get flashbacks to my first semester. I remember a classmate who started up a conversation with me about study abroad. He then shifted the conversation to a political one. When he realized that we had differing political views, he became infuriated. He said to me, “all Arabs and all Muslims are terrorists.”
On another occasion, an international classmate told me about her country of origin. She began to describe the Muslims in her country and how they are isolated, saying the places where they live are full of poverty and crime. I continued to listen with the mindset that she was frustrated with the country’s Islamophobia or at least was attempting to make small talk. When I asked her stance on the government’s actions, she explained that “all Muslims are terrorists.” As she looked me in the eyes — the eyes of a hijabi, the eyes of a Muslim — she quickly said, “Don’t worry, I know you are not a terrorist.”
I wanted to quit, to go home and never show up to class again. I didn’t know who or where to go to. I still feel frustrated, attacked and unsafe.
That’s why I’m asking Stern to help build a better experience for minority students. There must be explicit disciplinary consequences against those who hate and discriminate. Minority students shouldn’t be expected to educate others or accept any discriminatory actions. I should’ve been able to report students who verbally attacked me. When I felt unsafe, I wasn’t aware and wasn’t told about any resources that I could reach out to. I felt completely alone and had no one supporting or comforting me. I should’ve had the resources and people to reach out to when I felt like dropping out just because I didn’t feel safe in my own school.
There must also be a space for minority students to voice their needs and talk about their experiences. There must be a full-time diversity officer that dedicates his or her time to make Stern more diverse and inclusive. After having several meetings and talking to other minority students in Stern, I learned that I wasn’t the only marginalized one. Other Muslim students and students of color explained that they have always faced discrimination throughout their time in Stern. Some experiences were similar to mine, like daily microaggressions, and others were completely distinct and utterly racist, xenophobic and disgusting. We have had enough with the hate and are just as deserving of our seats in Stern as anyone else. There must be change.
Opinions expressed on the editorial pages are not necessarily those of WSN, and our publication of opinions is not an endorsement of them.
A version of this article appeared in the Monday, April 30 print edition. Email Raneen Khalil at [email protected].
Mohammad • May 2, 2018 at 8:50 pm
I do not agree with this sentence.I heard this sentence many times .I would like to write to editor but not any idiot.If I ask that person or group who said ‘all Muslim’s are terrorist ‘- if you read ,know the world civilization history ,if you read the Old testament,Jabur,Bible,Quran – then I am pretty sure you will withdraw your statement.
I am asking anyone,If you don’t like to withdraw your statement then I have a humble request,let’s arrange a open debate in presence of world media in front of University campus.
What you think? I will be ready to face any challenges.are you ready ?
Hijabi ……how dumb they are! If you read bible you will find that chapter,where described how to and why women cover their body & cover head and neck with scarf or hijab.why not raise your finger against to all pure Christian ,nanny who wears hijab .did you saw anybody criticizing about the nannies hijab,no ! Why?
It’s a sick mania like blind criticize against Muslim or Islam.
So ,I am waiting for that brave person who read the history of religious civilization and cultures.who knows the world top 10 genocide history. Please don’t tell or give me those rabish media reference.
I know the media game.
As a Muslim me and whole Muslim world hates terrorist what ever anybody Muslim or non muslim.if any body not agree with me …….I am ready to open debate,what about you!
Arafat • Apr 30, 2018 at 12:46 pm
Are you practicing taqiyya?
Why is it, do you suppose, Linda Sasour is so popular if the hijab is such an offensive item of clothing? It’s not as if NYU is a bastion for conservative students, now is it?