Time Saving Coffee Cubes for Busy Students

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GO CUBES,: a Coffee alternative in gummy form

Drew Lederman, Staff Writer

Business insiders and high school economics teachers will tell you: everything is supply and demand. Therefore, if there is a demand, the market will supply. In today’s economy of excess over simplicity, consumer desires drive the capitalist market to produce constant variation in order to suit the complicated needs of an overly individualized public.

Recently, the company HVMN has come out with GO CUBES a coffee alternative in gummy form. The company states that it aims to create a better society through smarter, better brains. This sounds more like a tagline for the movie “Limitless,” rather than a slogan for a coffee brand.

Nevertheless, millennial demands have opened up a market for niche and specialty items. Consequently, companies have begun to tailor their products to suit their new, eccentric target audience. According to Business Insider, “Retailers are obsessed with millennials. Stores are consistently trying to cater to this generally elusive demographic.” In their quest to take money, they have discovered the weakness of working, busy students — convenient caffeine.

Think about it: coffee cubes. We have seen instant coffee, clear coffee, coffee of all flavors, but never before have we seen cubed coffee. That’s right; your eyes are not deceiving you. We are one step closer to a science fictional future where all our sustenance is acquired through cubes or pills.

The gelatin-free, gluten-free, vegan cubes come in three flavors: latte, pure drip and mocha. This is fortunate since, according to Business Insider, “Millennials say they want food that is high quality, free of additives and sustainable.” Their website says GO CUBES are made with real delicious coffee.

Two of these portable, chewable cubes equate to one cup of joe. One serving is effective for about four to six hours with 35 calories and 50 milligrams of caffeine per cube. GO CUBES travel easily and keep your pearly teeth from pesky coffee stains.  

College students have no time to waste waiting for results, rather they demand instant gratification. A great time saving method is to eat on the go, an easy accomplished goal with GO CUBES’ small size and packaging.

According to Mintel research, “Younger consumers are seeking out on-the-go breakfast options as more than half (54 percent) of consumers aged 18-34 eat breakfast while commuting.”

Pop a few of these bad boys in your mouth and not only are you saving time but also gaining caffeine-induced energy as you do it.

Email Drew Lederman at [email protected].