Clear Coffee: Unnatural or Amazing?


Brothers and co-founders David and Adam Nag created a coffee brand, CLR CFF, that offers clear coffee to protect teeth from staining.

Drew Lederman, Staff Writer

New Yorkers take great pride in their love of drinking coffee. We are known for drinking our coffee black and in copious amounts. As college students, many of us also take pride in the quantity we can consume in one day, one sitting or one all-nighter. In New York City, the dark and bitter drink is a part of the rise and grind that each fast-paced city day brings to its similarly busy students.

The company CLR CFF has just arrived to shake up that ideology. This coffee brand not only lacks vowels but also coffee’s traditional color. Slovakian brothers and CLR CFF cofounders David and Adam Nag did not want to relinquish coffee to keep their teeth white.

They made clear coffee, the first of its kind and so far the only colorless coffee in the world. Yet surely others will follow, due to the amount of people who love both coffee and their pearly whites. They even tote the cheeky mantra: “If you are looking for a refreshing coffee but you want to keep your smile white, then CLR CFF is perfect for you!”

Some students like Tisch sophomore Madeline Parks think that clear coffee is an innovative idea.

“Personally, [I] like cold brew coffee — it does have a much stronger flavor than regular coffee,” Parks said. “I do like that clear coffee wouldn’t stain teeth, and that definitely pulls me, being an actor especially, but what I’m more concerned about are the ways scientists go about making it.”

GLS freshman Elena Maestripieri thought that clear coffee would be very helpful for people who consume the beverage often.

“I’ve never tried it but if it tastes good and the properties are the same, it seems like a great idea,” Maestripieri said.

But not everyone had positive opinions on the concoction. Tisch freshman Beth Golison thought the time spent on creating clear coffee was unnecessary.

“I don’t think it’s a waste of research, I just don’t think coffee stains are bad enough [that] I’m willing to get other health issues,” Golison said.

But people’s fears about clear coffee’s biological effects and ingredients may be unwarranted.

According to their website, CLR CFF dedicated three months of trial and error to creating a recipe “produced by methods which have never been used before.”

This beverage is made not only for caffeine-lovers and smilers, but also for those trying to cut down on sugar. The drink is made without preservatives, artificial flavors or sweeteners, amounting to a whopping four calories simply composed of “only high quality fresh roasted Arabica coffee beans,” according to their website.

But does it taste like normal coffee? According to the Evening Standard, it tastes like a cold brew, and one bottle is enough to last the whole day.

While CLR CFF is only available in the U.K., the ongoing hype surrounding the product will likely bring it across the pond before we can say “caffeine.” But if you are dying to try it, it’s available for order online for less than four bucks per 200ml bottle and you can judge for yourself if it lives up to the hype.

With different twists on coffee becoming increasingly popular — from the unicorn latte to matcha lattes — clear coffee might just be the next big trend that shakes up New York City.

Email Drew Lederman at [email protected].