I Tried… Eating Only Pizza for a Week
Juliana Fonseca-Alesso takes a bite out of two pizza slices simultaneously during the week in which she tried eating only pizza.
February 8, 2017
After getting food poisoning from airport pizza, my only goal was to remain pizza-free for the remainder of my life, so this article gave me an understandably large amount of anxiety. It might also be important to note that I am lactose-intolerant, meaning eating only pizza for an entire week was probably not the best decision.
Day One
I took this article based on the fact that prior to this, my diet was already dangerously close to being exclusively pizza—this was my shame-free excuse to eat pizza. For dinner, I ate two slices of dollar pizza from 99 Cents Fresh Pizza, located at 388 Sixth Ave., near my dorm, Lipton Residence Hall. At this point, everything was great, but I was still oblivious to the fact that pizza was the only thing on my menu for the next week.
Day Two
For breakfast, I had fried eggs and french toast from Lipton Dining Hall while contemplating ways in which eggs and french toast could technically be considered pizza. And later that day, my friend’s dad was taking us out for dinner, so to conserve stomach space, I did not eat lunch. For dinner, we went to Olio e Piu, an Italian restaurant located at 3 Greenwich Ave. — also close to Lipton. While enjoying the view of the beautiful pizza oven and candles everywhere, I devoured my two slices of margherita pizza. Everything was delicious, but I was worried about my body’s reaction to the unusually large amount of pizza I consumed.
Day Three
For breakfast, I finished two cold slices of leftover pizza from Olio e Piu. In class, the only thing I could think about was drinking water. This thought disappeared only after I chugged five glasses of water. This filled me up so much that, once again, I skipped lunch. For dinner, I bought two slices of dollar pizza from 99 Cents Fresh Pizza again.
Day Four
For breakfast, I didn’t eat anything, and for lunch I revisited 99 Cents Fresh Pizza for two more slices. In class, my lactose-intolerant stomach started making so much noise that I was worried my professor might call me out for it. So to break from the vicious cycle of eating only dollar pizza, I ordered a margherita pizza from Palladium Dining Hall for dinner. While I ate it, I couldn’t stop jealously eyeing my friends’ sushi — or basically anything that wasn’t pizza.
Day Five
I ate nothing for breakfast but had two slices of my leftover Palladium pizza for lunch. For dinner, I downed an amazing chicken sandwich from Lipton Dining Hall as a celebratory non-pizza meal. I felt bad for cheating, but my body simply couldn’t take it anymore.
I’m glad this week is over. I was surprised that my skin was not affected in any way, and I did not gain — or lose —any weight. I love pizza and always will, but right now I’m sick of it — at least for the next couple of days. As a NYU student living near many pizzerias, I understand how only eating pizza is a tantalizing choice of nourishment. However, I would strongly advise against going on a pizza-only diet, especially if you don’t want to diminish the importance of pizza in your life or disrupt class with your stomach rebelling against your poor food choices.
Email Juliana Fonseca-Alesso at [email protected].