‘Violet Files:’ Advice from Students, for Students

Lily Xing

CAS senior Arrion Azimi has created a podcast called “The Violet Files” to help new and prospective students through interviews with current NYU upperclassmen.

Taylor Nicole Rogers, Staff Writer

The biggest concern of incoming NYU freshman and transfer students is typically finding friends at such a large and diverse university. After addressing this concern countless times as a College Leader in the CAS Cohort Program, senior Arrion Azimi has launched a podcast called “The Violet Files” to answer new students’ questions through interviews with upperclassmen.

After a panel he created for his cohort received an overwhelmingly positive response, Azimi created “The Violet Files” to allow more people to benefit from the testimonies of experienced NYU students.

“I’ve led that meeting for two years and the people on the panel love it because people love to share their stories and the freshman love to get inspired by people,” Azimi said. “I wanted to make that experience last longer. As a College Leader, my work can only go so far. Once people are out of Cohort, where are they going to find that outlet to hear that advice and
those stories?”

With each installment of “The Violet Files,” Azimi introduces his listeners to a different NYU upperclassman who shares his or her unique story. In the most recent episode, Azimi sat down with CAS sophomore Sahaana Sundar, who shared her difficulties balancing her rigorous pre-health course load with her other interests.

“Sahaana is a pre-health student but she’s involved in entrepreneurship in CAS, which is very unique,” Azimi said. “There is an authenticity and honesty to the stories and makes pursuing your goals much more attainable, because it’s not just some abstract thing telling you what to do, it is a person.”

Azimi’s personal experience has led him to believe that guidance from peers is crucial to finding community at NYU. He got involved on campus after receiving suggestions from upperclassmen he met during Project Outreach, a weeklong community service experience for freshmen that takes place before Welcome Week.

“I had a pathway because I was able to build my connections,” Azimi said. “Through my time at NYU I have sort of followed the lead of my peers ahead of me to see what they were doing and accepting their invitations.”

Despite the fact that he is concluding his last semester at NYU, Azimi remains committed to “The Violet Files.”

“Right now, The Violet Files team is myself, and my equipment is my iPhone and my laptop,” Azimi said. “Honestly, I started this to have fun and maybe to subconsciously procrastinate from graduating, but it is important to me because it shows there is no one NYU story.”

A version of this article appeared in the Monday, April 4 print edition. Email Taylor Nicole Rogers at [email protected].