Enjoying the ‘ride’ with R&B artist SoMo

Joseph Anthony Somers-Morales, best known as SoMo, has been on the road promoting his album, “My Life II.”
November 17, 2015
Hot off the release of his third solo release, “My Life II,” R&B up-and-comer Joseph Anthony Somers-Morales, best known as SoMo, has been on the road promoting his album. He worked his way up from a YouTuber making Drake covers — which garnered over 200 million views — to being signed to Republic Records and landing his single “Ride” at number 76 on the Billboard Hot 100. WSN sat down with SoMo to discuss his touring experience.
WSN: How has the Fallin’ Up Tour been so far?
Joseph Anthony Somers-Morales: It’s going by so fast this year. I mean, this is my sixth headlining tour and I don’t know if it’s ever gotten boring or dull or what, but I’ve had a lot of fun this tour.
WSN: Do you have any pet peeves on the road?
SoMo: Probably just when people leave their shoes in the hallway on the bus, ’cause everybody falls. You can’t walk down the hallway on the bus with everyone’s shoes there when it’s dark, you’re going to take a tumble.
WSN: You just collaborated with Trey Songz on your new track “Hide & Freak.” Can you take us through that process?
SoMo: We actually did everything remotely. I met him in Arizona at a show, so when I wrote the song, I thought, “Trey would be perfect for this,” so I hit him up, sent him the song, he cut his verse and sent it back in a few days. So it was a really easy process and really, really awesome working with Trey.
WSN: What has been the hardest piece of music for you to write and finish?
SoMo: “Back to the Start” actually took a while. I wrote the first two verses and the hook about six months before I wrote the bridge, and it was just like a standing song for that long. I don’t know why it took me that long to come up with the bridge, I just remember it being there for awhile.
WSN: What music are you listening to right now?
SoMo: I’ve been really digging the new Travis Scott album.
WSN: What is your favorite children’s book?
SoMo: “Goodnight Moon.”
SoMo continues his tour on Nov. 19 in Austin, Texas.
Email Adam Karnegian at [email protected].