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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A pianist who frequents Washington Square Park altered his instrument with a sign that reads "this machine kills fascism." He played in front of the arch as people gathered to record his music.

Ralliers Work to Shatter Broken Windows in Washington Square Park

Htoo Min, Deputy News Editor February 11, 2017
Rally attenders gathered in Washington Square Park to demonstrate support against the recent actions regarding immigration.
Women donned pink pussy hats today for a pro-Planned Parenthood rally in Washington Square Park.

People Rally for Pro-Planned Parenthood

Miranda Levingston, Deputy News Editor February 11, 2017
Students and prominent feminist figures gathered in Washington Square Park in support of Planned Parenthood today.
Arrests of students are not isolated events, such as when 11 reported arrests were made on Tuesday outside Kimmel.

Q&A: NYU Protester Arrested

Herman Lee, Staff Writer February 6, 2017
Steinhardt sophomore Zane Kerr was arrested at a protest: WSN did a Q&A with him about his experience.

Exposure | Washington Square Park Rally For Immigrants’ Rights

Euan Prentis, Julia Saliba and Polina Buchak January 26, 2017
The New York community flocked to Washington Square Park and later Union Square to rally in support of the Muslim and immigrant communities.
At the emergency rally on Jan. 25, New Yorkers came together to show solidarity with the Muslim American and immigrant communities.

Emergency Rally for Muslim and Immigrant Rights Held in Washington Square Park

Jemima McEvoy and Sayer Devlin January 25, 2017
After President Donald Trump signed executive orders concerning immigration, thousands of protestors congregated at Washington Square Park for an emergency rally.
Anti-Trump Protests Are Powerful and Valid

Anti-Trump Protests Are Powerful and Valid

Emma Rudd, Contributing Writer November 17, 2016
To accuse the protesters of being baseless and unproductive is to deny the gravity of the bigotry against which we protest.
Hundreds of Students Stage Walkout to Declare NYU a 'Sanctuary Campus'

Hundreds of Students Stage Walkout to Declare NYU a ‘Sanctuary Campus’

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 16, 2016
NYU students walked out of their classes on Wednesday in support of the nationwide #SanctuaryCampus movement.
After the result of the election, a number of rallies and protests have taken place all over New York City, from Washington Square Park and Union Square, to outside of Trump Tower.

NYU Student Organizes Love Rally in the Park

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy November 14, 2016
An NYU sophomore organized a love rally in Washington Square Park to bring people together after Donald Trump's victory.

Madonna Affirms That #ShesWithHer at WSP Rally

Sayer Devlin and Natasha Roy November 8, 2016
Madonna performed at an impromptu rally in the fountain of Washington Square Park on the eve of election day.
Argentinian Femicides Hit Close to Home

Argentinian Femicides Hit Close to Home

Kaitlyn Wang, Staff Writer October 31, 2016
Protests against femicides across Latin America have spread to Washington Square Park, and NYU students are getting involved.
In order to raise mental health awareness, Lily Derella, Sirin Thad, Leah Linder, and many others worked together to create a colorful quilt in Washington Square Park.

Quilting Away Mental Health Stigma

Miranda Levingston, Staff Writer October 27, 2016
Tumblr collaborates with the New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to raise awareness about mental health issues.

Tails of Washington Square Park

Faith Gates, Contributing Writer September 26, 2016
Squirrels are running all around New York City, but what do we really know about them? Read on for some fun facts on these little animals!