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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Northern Virginia Doesn’t Need an Amazon Headquarters

Northern Virginia Doesn’t Need an Amazon Headquarters

As part of one of the richest counties in the U.S., the last thing that Arlington needs is a bigger push toward income inequality.
Melanie Pineda, Deputy Opinion Editor November 15, 2018
As part of one of the richest counties in the U.S., the last thing that Arlington needs is a bigger push toward income inequality.
Kristi Jacobson's new documentary, "Solitary", illustrates the uncomfortable reality of solitary confinement through the lives of prisoners at Virginia's Red Onion State Prison.

A Devastating Look Into Isolation in “Solitary”

Daniella Nichinson, Staff Writer February 1, 2017
Kristi Jacobson's new documentary "Solitary" explores the lives of prisoners forced into isolation.
Virginia Felon Voting Highlights Democratic Inconsistencies

Virginia Felon Voting Highlights Democratic Inconsistencies

Connor Borden, Staff Writer April 24, 2016
The day each citizen enjoys full access to their inalienable civil liberties is the day the U.S. will know equity, and from there progress can march forward.
Christina’s Case: University policies should reflect First Amendment rights

Christina’s Case: University policies should reflect First Amendment rights

Christina Coleburn, Deputy Opinion Editor April 14, 2014
Enrolling in college should not equate to abdicating freedom of speech.

Supreme Court needs to protect mentally disabled

March 4, 2014
Hall v. Florida represents an opportunity for the Supreme Court to improve its past decision in Atkins.
States should increase focus on mental illness

States should increase focus on mental illness

Christina Coleburn, Staff Columnist December 2, 2013
The recent stabbing of Virginia senator Creigh Deeds by his mentally ill son, who was turned away from a hospital because of a lack of psychiatric beds, brings to light the insufficient funding of state mental healthcare systems nationwide.