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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Technology brings new ways of coordinating disaster relief

Technology brings new ways of coordinating disaster relief

November 15, 2012
NY Tech Meetup crowdsources to coordinate Sandy relief projects.

New report breaks down causes of rising tuition

November 13, 2012
American Council for Education Report analyzes national increase in tuition.

NYU faculty create economic incentives for low-income families

November 13, 2012
Steinhardt professors studied the effects of monetary incentives on the behavior of kids from low-income families.
Bryan Nelson for WSN

Spiritual life center to begin hosting open religious services

November 13, 2012
Canterbury Downtown, NYU's Episcopal campus ministry, will begin holding compline services for rest of the semester.
Courtesy of Ian Bogost

Game Center co-founder wins two awards at IndieCade International Festival

November 12, 2012
With his innovative entries, NYU professor Eric Zimmeran shines at this year's games festival.
File Photo by Gloria Lee

NYU opens first university chapter of Chemists’ Club

November 12, 2012
NYU's Chemists' Club aims to provide resource for future chemists.
Courtesty of Donkey Hotey

Students, professors share advice to handle loans

November 8, 2012
Financial awareness is the key to managing student loans.
Bryan Nelson/WSN

Students celebrate Obama's victory at Election Party

November 7, 2012
NYU's second Election Party consisted of food, old school hip-hop and spirited members of the university community.
Margaret Eby/WSN

NYU professor and grad student break ground with NASA tractor beam

November 6, 2012
NYU Bessel beam research paves the way for beams of light to move large-scale objects in outer space
Joon Lee/WSN

Student loan debt continues to soar (Part 1)

November 6, 2012
Undergraduate and graduate students alike bear the budren of student loan debt.
Center photo via

NYU professors weigh in on Election 2012

November 6, 2012

Now that Election Day is here, NYU professors voice their opinions about today’s election. “Right before the election, candidates can’t touch on any hard issues like...

via Wikipedia

Fire alarms go off in Tisch Hall

November 5, 2012
Students in the Stern School of Business building were temporarily displaced from their classrooms this morning due to a fire alarm malfunction.