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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A woman’s hand swipes a metrocard.

Opinion: NYU needs to get its students moving — for free

If the university truly believes that “the city is our campus,” it's time they help students actually afford to explore it.
Steven Wang, Staff Writer October 16, 2024

My high school — just like every public high school in New York City — provided every student with a free MetroCard to get to and from school. However, NYU offers no comparable...

A group of people walking past the entrance to the building of 80 Washington Square East galleries with red bricks on the facade. The people are blurry because of a motion blur effect.

Opinion: Dear tourists and NYU students, walk faster

When people are just trying to get somewhere, it can be very frustrating to get stuck behind slow walkers who just won’t move.
Alia Arafeh, Contributing Writer October 7, 2022

When I first moved to New York City, I thought that life would be fast-paced. In movies like "13 Going on 30" and “The Devil Wears Prada,” everyone speed walks to their destinations,...

The 6 subway train arrives at the Union Square station. People stand on the platform and walk on the overpass.

Opinion: College students should not have to pay for Metrocards

An NYU student government resolution last spring outlined a plan to bring university students discounted Metrocards. It should be implemented as soon as possible.
Blake Salesin, Staff Writer September 19, 2022

New York City is not cheap. We know that. As students in the nation’s largest city by population, we find ways to finesse every discount code for restaurant takeout and take...

The northwest entrance of the 8 St-NYU subway station for the R and W lines.

Students divided over installing metal detectors in subways

New York City Mayor Eric Adams recently said he is considering adding metal detectors in city subway stations to curb the uptick in crime.
Kayla Hardersen, Senior Staff Writer April 29, 2022

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said he is considering installing one of three types of metal detectors to subway stations after a mass shooting took place in a Brooklyn subway...

Disabled subway riders deserve better

Disabled subway riders deserve better

Only about a quarter of New York City subway stations are accessible to disabled residents. Despite this, the MTA spends taxpayer dollars fighting accessibility lawsuits instead of paying for more accessible stations.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor March 29, 2021

Only about 25% of New York City’s subway stations are accessible for disabled people, whether that's through wheelchairs, ramps or elevator access. Of those accessible stations...

Staff Rants and Raves: Transportation

Staff Rants and Raves: Transportation

We’re all going places in some way or another. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.

Rants On the NYU Airport Shuttle By Bella Gil, Beauty and Style Editor Getting back and forth between JFK airport and campus is one skill I’ve yet to master. If traveling...

Paula Beer and Franz Rogowski star in the German drama “Transit”. (Courtesy of Music Box Films)

‘Transit’ Is a Bumpy Ride That Still Bores

Officially selected for the New York Film Festival and the Toronto International Film Festival, the German film is a fascinating character drama that is let down by a poor script.
Guru Ramanathan, Arts Editor March 4, 2019

Like its title suggests, “Transit” is mobile, unable to find solace in any one mood, setting or genre, oscillating back and forth between being an interesting character drama,...

NYU Tandon School of Engineering Professors Constantine Kontokosta (left) and Giancarlo Falcocchio (right) argue that the MTA restorations should be paid by landlords who profit from near subway stations.

Professors: Landlords Must Pay MTA

Christine Lee, Staff Writer November 27, 2017
The New York City subway system was riddled with emergency repairs, train delays and system malfunctions this summer. To fix the subway system, Mayor Bill de Blasio plans to tax the rich to pay for repairs, but Governor Andrew Cuomo prefers to make the drivers pay to drive through the city’s most congested parts.
Example of an underground New York City Subway still in use.

Tap Into Untapped Cities, If That’s Your Thing

Ivy Oleson, Contributing Writer October 27, 2016
The Untapped Cities: Past, Present and Future of NYC Subways Tour! is an entertainingly niche few hours to spend learning about subways - assuming you're interested in the topic.
John Sexton along with members of the Commuter Student Council cut the ribbon to Hayden Hall's new commuter den.

Sexton cuts ribbon at Commuter Den

Greta Chevance, Staff Writer November 12, 2015
The Hayden Commuter Lounge was officially unveiled to the community at a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Wednesday.