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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Steinhardt’s Drama Therapy Department performed “Power and Privilege As Performance” at Pless Hall Black Box Theater on Saturday. The performance included three short plays.

Performing Power And Privilege

Michael Landes, Staff Writer February 10, 2017
The NYU Drama Therapy program tackled privilege of all sorts with avant-garde flair and talented precision in its presentation of three short plays by its master's candidates last week.
Stephen Heller and Stephanie Bacastow fronted the Steinhardt Vocal Performance department’s “The Mystery of Edwin Drood,” as John Jasper and Rosa Bud.

Thespians Use Democracy to Solve Dickens’ “Mystery of Edwin Drood”

Satish Reginald and Cayla Berejikian February 9, 2017
In a rousing cross between Hamlet and a choose-your-own-adventure novel, the NYU Steinhairdt Vocal Performance Department brought energy and hilarity to their production of "The Mystery of Edwin Drood."
NYU musical theatre enthusiasts enjoy the act of fellow student at this year’s Spring Welcome Week event.

Bright Lights and High Notes at NYU

Alexandra Pierson, Theater and Books Editor January 30, 2017
For one magical night of harmony and jazz hands, NYU students forgot their school affiliations to hold a night of Broadway showtunes and classic musical theater hits.
Playwright Basil Kreimendahl creates an extraordinary combination of identity and war in his play, "Orange Julius".

A Tender and Comic Look At Gender, Death and Vietnam

Michael Landes, Staff Writer January 24, 2017
"Orange Julius" explores gender, death and memory through the lens of the Vietnam War.
Skirball has put on many performances that send a bold message. The provocative production of "Apollon" by Choreographer Florentina Holzinger ran Feb. 22-23. (Photo by Julia Saliba)

Tisch New Theatre Runs Into Drama

Natasha Roy, News Editor January 23, 2017
The Tisch New Theatre was suspended this past fall, but the news was quietly announced in a single email. Here's the details of the whole story.

The Off-Broadway rock odyssey, “The Portal”, blends musical performance with a movie-like narrative.

‘The Portal:’ A Movie on the Stage

December 5, 2016
"The Portal" takes too much advantage of multimedia tools and comes off more like a bad party than a thought-provoking theater piece.
Telling the colorful history of the West Village, “Street Children” opened on November 30 at the New Ohio Theatre.

Forget Me Not

Hailey Nuthals, Arts Editor December 5, 2016
Before the West Village was bougie, it was the kingdom of the queens.
Poison is now playing at the Beckett Theater and showcases the talent of award winning playwright Lot Vekenmans.

‘Poison:’ A Look at Grief and Love

Michael Landes, Staff Writer November 28, 2016
When poison quite literally taints an already-broken family, how is it possible to heal?
The Playroom Theatre served as the venue for the intimate panel.

When the Internet Meets Theater

Michael Landes, Staff Writer November 21, 2016
In a panel last Tuesday, Broadway bigwigs met to discuss the way forward for technology in theater.
The performance effectively immersed its audience into the world of Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace.

Tolstoy Meets Broadway in ‘The Great Comet of 1812’

Kamila Daurenova, Staff Writer November 21, 2016
"Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet" brings vivacity to Tolstoy's classic "War and Peace," with an impressive number of NYU alums working on the new Broadway musical.
Written by Eric Bernet, NYU Drama Therapy Department showcased "Behind the Doors" play this past weekend.

NYU Drama Therapy Opens Its Doors

Hailey Nuthals, Arts Editor November 18, 2016
NYU's Drama Therapy Department put the question of what place theater has in therapy into a proper test this week with the premiere of its play "Behind the Doors."
Jefferson Reardon stars in Shakespeare in the Square’s production of Coriolanus.

Another Election Gone Awry

Michael Landes, Staff Writer November 14, 2016
The sheer impressiveness of the physicality in Shakespeare in the Square's adaptation of the classic "Coriolanus" makes it more than just good theater — it makes it an aching vindication of the feelings too often trapped inside ourselves.