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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

NYU alumna Anna Powers started Powers Education, aiming to offer the support and guidance needed for women high school students to succeed in the fields of math and science, hopefully adding to the female presence in STEM research.

Alumna Startup Aims to Empower Women

Lucy Hwang, Staff Writer May 2, 2016
Dr. Anna Powers, an alumna and core curriculum fellow at NYU, hosted a launch party in honor of launching Powers Education, a startup dedicated to the success of women.
NYU’s 13th annual Relay For Life, organized by Colleges Against Cancer at NYU, helped raise over $78,000 this past week for cancer research and treatment.

Students Commemorate Cancer Victims at Relay for Life

Christine Wang, Deputy News Editor May 2, 2016
Colleges Against Cancer at NYU hosted the 13th annual NYU Relay For Life at Chelsea Piers Field House on Saturday.
Assistant Director of the NYU Student Resource Center, Rollie Carencia, introduces everyone to the Veteran's Ball.

Inaugural Vet Ball Honors Those at NYU Who Have Served

Anne Cruz, News Editor April 11, 2016
The NYU Military Alliance hosted their Inaugural Veterans Ball on April 11 in celebration of NYU's diverse military community.
After receiving a donation of $30 million, the College of Nursing will be renamed after Rose Mary “Rory” Meyers and her husband Howard. A majority of the funds will aid nursing students in need.

NYU to Rename Nursing School After $30 Million Donation

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz April 4, 2016
Howard and Rory Meyers donated $30 million to NYU's College of Nursing to be used for scholarships and support.
Finding Unity on Campus Amidst Global Violence

Finding Unity on Campus Amidst Global Violence

Yeho Hwang, Contributing Writer March 25, 2016
NYU student organizations are hosting a community-wide vigil in response to the attacks in Belgium and Turkey.