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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

What I Noticed About Not Being Noticed

What I Noticed About Not Being Noticed

Emily Fagel, Copy Chief January 30, 2017
Most students’ first week in New York City was strange and overwhelming. But in retrospect, that week was overwhelmed by one specific feeling: anonymity.
NYU Shanghai students are outraged at the institute’s expensive textbook policies.

Students Read Between the Lines of NYUSH Textbook Policies

Jemima McEvoy, News Editor January 30, 2017
Students at NYU Shanghai fight with the administration over textbook policies.
Despite the many strides NYU takes to prevent substance abuse on campus, students are consistently finding new ways to break the rules.

Administration, Student Groups Combat Drug Use

Herman Lee, Contributing Writer January 30, 2017
Both student groups and the university aim to educate students minimize drug abuse.
NYU Safe Ride cars outside Third Avenue North Residence Hall. (Photo by Veronica Liow)

Shut Up and Drive: Students Complain About the Efficiency of Safe Ride

Jemima McEvoy, News Editor January 27, 2017
Safe Ride, NYU's free night time transportation service, faces much grumbling, but Assistant Director for Transportation Services Greg Rivas discusses the improvements they plan to make.
Former Prime Minister of Cuba Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, and NYU students have something to say about it.

NYU Reacts: Former Cuba President Fidel Castro Dies at 90

Diamond Naga Siu and Jemima McEvoy November 29, 2016
NYU students react to the death of Cuba's former president, Fidel Castro.
Hundreds of Students Stage Walkout to Declare NYU a 'Sanctuary Campus'

Hundreds of Students Stage Walkout to Declare NYU a ‘Sanctuary Campus’

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 16, 2016
NYU students walked out of their classes on Wednesday in support of the nationwide #SanctuaryCampus movement.
Despite Inconsistent Stories, Anti-PC Prof Should Return to Classes

Despite Inconsistent Stories, Anti-PC Prof Should Return to Classes

WSN Editorial Board November 4, 2016
Whether or not Rectenwald’s grievances were valid, his integrity has been challenged by the inaccuracy of his own narrative. His false allegations are evidence that he is not a misunderstood victim, but a hypocrite.
Amid claims that NYU does not foster an inclusive environment for people of color, a new lawsuit against the university claims that an employee faced discrimination in his time here.

Study Points to Greater Faculty Diversity

Sayer Devlin, Deputy News Editor October 12, 2016
Two Steinhardt adjunct professors discovered that students prefer teachers of color, which prompts the discussion of greater NYU faculty diversity.
NYU Reacts: Second Presidential Debate

NYU Reacts: Second Presidential Debate

NYU students weigh in on last night's presidential debate.
University of Chicago's Letter Restricts Academic Speech

University of Chicago’s Letter Restricts Academic Speech

Abraham Gross, Contributing Writer September 6, 2016
In an effort to preserve ‘academic freedom,’ the University of Chicago administration has limited the control of itstheir professors over their own classrooms.
Changes in Faculty and Staff from the 2009-2010 to 2014-2015 academic school year.

How NYU’s Student Demographics Have Changed

Audrey Deng, Deputy Managing Editor May 2, 2016
If we want to measure just how NYU is changing, student demographics are the place to start.
Ideas proposed at President Hamilton’s public affordability discussion that took place earlier this month.

Affordability Brainstorm Hits, Misses

Camille Larkins, Contributing Writer April 25, 2016
Here are the best 3 and worst 3 postings on NYU's Affordability Ideas website.