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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Stakes Too High to Decline Testing for Diseases

Stakes Too High to Decline Testing for Diseases

Nadja Zakula, Contributing Writer September 22, 2016
These scientific advancements, along with the emotional comfort entailed in knowing one’s fate and genetic susceptibility, should encourage one to get tested for adult onset conditions such as Huntington’s.
Annual Rise In Tuition Causes Undue Stress

Annual Rise In Tuition Causes Undue Stress

WSN Editorial Board August 28, 2016

Since its expansion and rise to the top of college rankings, cost of attendance at NYU has been a concern for students. Even more frustrating is the practice of raising tuition...

TEDxNYU hosted a Color Party to relieve some stress with art therapy.

TEDxNYU Gets Legit About Coloring

Tony Schwab, Staff Writer April 18, 2016
TEDxNYU hosted "Color Party" last week, to tout the stress relief benefits of coloring books for all ages.
College Admissions Are Not Your Self-worth

College Admissions Are Not Your Self-worth

Richard Shu, Opinion Editor April 11, 2016
For how inept Howard’s letter may have been, it speaks to an increasingly frustrated contingent of students who recognize, throughout the admissions process and even after they’ve enrolled, that their childhoods have been shortchanged.
Stressbusters volunteer, Catherine Kim, offers free back rubs at Take a Break Tuesday in the Kimmel Center for University Life on Nov. 24, 2015.

5 ways to beat stress this semester

Abigail Weinberg, Staff Writer November 30, 2015
Here are some free and easy ways to relieve stress on campus and around the city.
Illustration by Sonja Haroldson

Five beauty hacks to keep your skin under control

Avery Chang, Staff Writer October 22, 2014
Check out these products and tips to keep skin healthy and clear during times of high stress.

Exam stress relief falls on both students, university

WSN Editorial Board, Editorial Board October 7, 2014
Strategies for anxiety-management are life skills that need to be drawn upon, now during midterms, again during final exams and in future stressful situations.
The High Line

Take a break at local destressing spots

Emily Bell, Managing Editor September 25, 2014

The hustle and bustle of New York City, especially when combined with the pressure of college, can easily be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are many places to take a breather...

Common causes of anxiety, tips on how to alleviate them

Dana Reszutek, Managing Editor September 25, 2014

Approximately 40 million Americans experience anxious feelings, many of whom include college students. In such a fast-paced environment it is unsurprising that students often feel...

courtesy of NYU

Study relates violence to school performance

Marita Vlachou, Staff Writer April 22, 2014
NYU researchers conducted a study that links violence in communities with the number of children that fail a grade in elementary school.
via flickr

How to survive midterms

March 7, 2014
Ace midterm week with this easy how-to guide.
via Flickr

How to stay stress-free during the new semester

February 3, 2014
Try these tips for better stress management during the spring semester.