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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

An illustration of a wooden box in a park. A pair of legs with blue jeans and black Converse sneakers stands on top of the box. The box reads “WSN.”

The Soapbox: Growing opposition challenges global leaders’ expanding power

The Soapbox is a weekly column by WSN’s news desk examining the major developments in world news and rounding up the stories we think are worth the read this week. Global consciousness for a global university.
Gabriel Hawthorne, Deputy News Editor April 12, 2022

Pakistan’s prime minister removed by Parliament Imran Khan, the former prime minister of Pakistan, was ousted by Parliament after losing a no-confidence vote on the morning...

What the Puerto Rican Government Owes Its Women

What the Puerto Rican Government Owes Its Women

Puerto Rican women are being attacked. Despite protests, the government has only just begun to tackle the problem — but it may not be enough.
Sofia Martinez Rivera, Staff Writer October 4, 2019

A video began circulating Twitter last week and further inflamed an already-heated discussion regarding the lack of protection for victims of domestic violence in Puerto Rico....