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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A young man wearing black pants and a light-colored short sleeve button-up shirt holds onto the side of a subway platform, standing on the tracks over another man who is laying down on the tracks.

Cornell student rescues man from subway tracks seconds before train arrives

Early Thursday morning, Cornell University student Bryce Demopoulos pulled a man off of the tracks at the Third Avenue-138 Street subway station station shortly before the No. 6 train arrived.
Abby Wilson, News Editor August 4, 2022

Bryce Demopoulos, a senior at Cornell University, pulled a stranger off of the subway tracks at a subway station in the Bronx just moments before a No. 6 train approached the station...

Side Hustling, Chapter 3: Wait — Roosevelt Island Is Real?

Side Hustling, Chapter 3: Wait — Roosevelt Island Is Real?

In the third installment of this month’s serial, Valerie must retrieve a mysterious package for Richard.
Jessica Fiorella, Voices Editor March 18, 2020

After accidentally destroying her roommate’s computer, Valerie must pick up a series of odd jobs in order to rectify the situation. As I tuck Miles into bed, his father bursts...

A sprawling view of the Manhattan skyline can be seen from the Long Island City waterfront. This scenic corner of Queens is a popular spot for students who want to escape the city for a while over spring break. (Staff Photo by Chelsea Li)

Spring Break Staycation Guide

What to do in New York City if you can't go home, don't want to go home or just want to get out of the NYU bubble!
Daniela Ortiz, Staff Writer March 9, 2020

Spring break. Despite what pop culture depicts, not everyone’s counting down the days for their remote island getaway, beach vacation or weeklong party. Instead, if they aren’t...

The Red Hook Grain Terminal in Brooklyn has been abandoned since 1965

Abandoned Places in New York

Yasmin Gulec, Staff Writer November 11, 2016
If you're looking for a little bit of adventure, there are plenty of abandoned places for you to seek out around the city.

Four Freedoms Park opens in Roosevelt Island

October 29, 2012
Almost 40 years after its design, the Four Freedoms Park opens in Roosevelt to commemorate the 32nd president's famous Four Freedoms Speech.