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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Marc Gershow, an assistant professor in NYU’s Department of Physics, received a National Science Foundation CAREER award.

Physics professor talks fruit fly larvae research

Monica Hanna, Contributing Writer October 19, 2015
An interview with Marc Gershow, an assistant professor in NYU’s Department of Physics who received an NSF CAREER award.
Dr. Blaser, an NYU professor is the leader for the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria.

NYU professor to chair presidential council on antibiotic bacteria resistance

Farhin Lilywala, Contributing Writer October 2, 2015
A Q&A with NYU professor Martin Blaser, who will serve as the chair of a presidential council on antibiotic bacteria resistance.
Professor Nagle has been working as a sanitation worker to study the types of things that are thrown away.

Professor becomes sanitation worker for research

Carmen Russo, Contributing Writer September 21, 2015
An NYU professor has been working as a sanitation worker, studying the types of things that people throw away.
Incoming NYU professor receives the National Humanities Award

Incoming NYU professor receives the National Humanities Award

Lingyi Hou, Staff Writer September 17, 2015
On Sept. 10, incoming professor in the spring 2016 term, Rebecca Newberger Goldstein received the 2014 National Humanities Medal from President Obama.
Professor Michael Rampino studies Earth history.

NYU professor’s research reveals significance of Earth’s movements

Dhriti Tandon, Staff Writer March 5, 2015
NYU biology professor Michael Rampino explored the correlation between periodic mass extinctions and the earth's movement in the galaxy in his recently published paper.

Study reveals FDA reporting issues

Alanna Bayarin and Marita Vlachou February 12, 2015
A university professor and his students investigated the FDA for burying research misconduct.
NYU associate professor Jon Freeman, 28,
was recently named one of Forbes Magazine's 30 Under 30 for his brain research.

Professor recognized for brain research

Marina Zheng, Features Editor January 26, 2015
Jonathan Freeman, an assistant professor in NYU's Department of Psychology, was named in Forbes magazine's "30 under 30" list. Freeman was recognized for his recent work regarding brain mechanisms.
Shawn Paik/WSN

What’s in your bag: LS professor Tamuira Reid

November 11, 2013
In Liberal Studies professor Tamuira Reid's bag, she carries copious amounts of paper, books and items that will divert her young son.

Professor Red Burns passes at 88, leaves legacy at Tisch

September 3, 2013
Professor Burns is remembered as a leader and influential teacher.
Wide gaps found in national average teacher pay

Wide gaps found in national average teacher pay

March 12, 2013
Study finds wide discrepancies in professors’ salary by discipline and type of institution.
Courtesy of Professor Nikhil Gupta

NYU-Poly professor Nikhil Gupta recognized for research, development of safer metals

March 12, 2013
An NYU-Poly professor received the Young Leader Professional Development award for his work in the creation of safer protective metals.
Courtesy of Jim Anderson

Grammy winning professor brings talent to Tisch classroom

February 27, 2013
Jim Anderson, a Tisch professor and Grammy award winner, discusses translating his prowess into teaching.