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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Three voice bubbles with a banana and an apple, a book and a clock emerge from a phone. The image is enclosed in a purple circle, and a depiction of space is in the background.

Beyond NYU: Betting on building healthy habits

Each week, WSN sits down with an NYU student, faculty member or alum who’s making change beyond NYU. CAS senior Tiffany Lee shares how a habit-building app — developed alongside a Tandon graduate student and an NYU Abu Dhabi alum — allows users to bet on their own success.
Abby Wilson, News Editor September 16, 2022

Tiffany Lee, a CAS senior, used to be a chronic procrastinator. She tried YouTube videos, self help books, podcasts and apps to tackle her time management problem, but nothing...

A light purple background with illustrations of boba tea, coffee, white shoes, a sandwich in a container, Google Calendar, a spreadsheet and two clocks.

A senior’s guide to starting the new semester

Whether you’ve never been in the Big Apple or you’ve perfected your campus routine, here’s how to shake off those first week frazzles.
Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor September 2, 2022

With yesterday being my last first day of college, I think I’ve collected enough knowledge to hone in on my pre-semester preparations. I remember being an all-too-excited first-year...