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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

College Democrats and Republicans Prep for Election Season

College Democrats and Republicans Prep for Election Season

As elections approach, a preview of what student Republicans and Democrats have planned this semester.
Jared Peraglia and Mansee Khurana September 17, 2018
As elections approach, a preview of what student Republicans and Democrats have planned this semester.
Mobilization Is Just As Important As Voting

Mobilization Is Just As Important As Voting

Aliyah Austin, Columnist September 13, 2018
Although voting is important and essential, activist groups should focus on what initiates real change, which is mass mobilization.
Challenging the Liberal Bubble as a Liberal

Challenging the Liberal Bubble as a Liberal

Janice Lee, Opinion Editor September 4, 2018
A liberal student's perspective and response to what she perceives to be a problematic liberal monoculture.
NYU DSA, College Democrats, College Libertarians and College Republicans at their semesterly interclub debate on April 18. The groups debated internet privacy and tariffs, and the back-and-forth grew more contentious as the evening progressed.

Campus Political Clubs Engage in Heated Debate on Internet Privacy, Tariffs

Kristina Hayhurst, Deputy News Editor April 19, 2018
NYU's student political organizations got together Wednesday evening to debate tariffs and internet privacy.
Combating Climate Change Begins With Citizens

Combating Climate Change Begins With Citizens

Ignangeli Salinas-Muñiz, Staff Writer April 10, 2018
Citizens must not only demand that politicians institute green policies but also recognize how they themselves benefit from an unstable environment. Protecting the environment begins with citizens.
Big Data, Big Problems

Big Data, Big Problems

Victor Porcelli, Staff Writer April 8, 2018
Big Data is proving to be a threat to our democracy, but it also has the power to be a force for good.

The Times Are Always Racing: Political Music Then and Now

Taylor Stout, Staff Writer April 4, 2018
How does your favorite song make you feel?
College Republicans to Host Former Trump Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci

College Republicans to Host Former Trump Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci

Mack DeGeurin, News Editor March 22, 2018
The NYU College Republicans announced that they will host an event featuring former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci. Scaramucci lasted 10 days in the White House before resigning.
Bumble’s Hive Mind Predicament

Bumble’s Hive Mind Predicament

Janice Lee, Contributing Writer March 19, 2018
Bumble banned pictures of guns in dating profiles, a move that it claims is not politically motivated. However, politics and dating are inherently connected, so Bumble must recognize the implications of its actions.
Jon Michael Hill and Blake DeLong in “Pass Over.”

What You Missed at SXSW

Ryan Mikel, Arts Editor March 19, 2018
Politics surrounding race, class and gender were at the center of this year’s South by Southwest Conference & Festivals in Austin, Texas.
Companies Have Values, Just like People

Companies Have Values, Just like People

Victor Porcelli, Staff Writer March 6, 2018
Should companies have a voice in politics? Despite current objections, the answer is yes. Companies have values and the right to free speech, just as citizens do.
Walkouts Won’t Convince Congress to Grant Student Safety

Walkouts Won’t Convince Congress to Grant Student Safety

Dasha Zagurskaya, Contributing Writer February 26, 2018
Student walkouts will not stop mass shootings.