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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

The consequences for drinking are much less severe than those of using marijuana — this mirrors how pot is treated in society as well. However, the number of weed-related incidents is much lower than that of alcohol's rates, so the university should reconsider its ambiguous and severe drug policy surrounding marijuana.

NYU Should Weed Out Harsher Marijuana Penalties

Emma Rudd, Deputy Opinion Editor March 6, 2017
In light of the decriminalization of marijuana in New York, NYU should lessen several of its policies against its use to liken those against alcohol use on campus and set an example for other colleges with harsher penalties.
Tapingo Must Improve Service at Kimmel Marketplace

Tapingo Must Improve Service at Kimmel Marketplace

Cara Zambrano, Staff Writer March 3, 2017
With the recent addition of the pasta station at The Kimmel Marketplace, Tapingo has demonstrated that it must go through intense improvements in order to fully operate as its meant to.
NYU Students Should Boycott Uber

NYU Students Should Boycott Uber

WSN Editorial Board March 2, 2017
Students should boycott Uber to condemn sexual harassment in the company's workplace and to encourage the increase of gender diversity within Silicon Valley companies.
Despite Valid Frustrations, Hijacking Events Is Not the Answer

Despite Valid Frustrations, Hijacking Events Is Not the Answer

Thomas Price, Opinion Editor March 2, 2017
While what students' concerns are extremely important, hijacking an event meant to help address another very large issue on campus is not a smart way to create a constructive dialogue.
Everyone Should Find Time to Play Chess

Everyone Should Find Time to Play Chess

Henry Cohen, Staff Writer February 28, 2017
There are so many great ways to unwind after a grueling day of classes. However, few distractions can prove as entertaining and mentally stimulating as chess.
Liberal Studies Through the Eyes of the Students

Liberal Studies Through the Eyes of the Students

Polina Buchak, Multimedia Editor February 27, 2017
There has been some debate over whether NYU's Liberal and Global Studies Programs are limiting or beneficial to students. The general consensus is that the programs have both strengths and weakness.
Despite Grievances, NYU Incomparable

Despite Grievances, NYU Incomparable

WSN Editorial Board February 27, 2017
Although NYU offers its students an abundance of opportunities and resources, the university still has a lot of progress to make before it can reflect the values held by its student body and faculty.
NYU’s Menstrual Hygiene Products Program Is a Step in the Right Direction

NYU’s Menstrual Hygiene Products Program Is a Step in the Right Direction

Cara Zambrano, Staff Writer February 24, 2017
The university’s initiative to provide free menstrual hygiene products in restrooms brings NYU one step closer to creating a more inclusive academic environment. This intiative should be mimicked by other institutions.
NYU Should Offer Alternative Platform for Controversial Speakers

NYU Should Offer Alternative Platform for Controversial Speakers

WSN Editorial Board February 24, 2017
Rather than completely disregarding controversial speakers, it is possible to offer them an alternative platform that would allow for conversation and the sharing of ideas.
Canvassing Creates Creepy Conversations

Canvassing Creates Creepy Conversations

Thomas Price, Opinion Editor February 23, 2017
Regardless of the nobility of these causes, the techniques employed to squeeze dollars out of unsuspecting pedestrians are uncomfortable.
NYU Accelerate Not Viable Solution

NYU Accelerate Not Viable Solution

WSN Editorial Board February 21, 2017
While the effort to increase affordability is certainly appreciated, if it is to be done successfully it should provide students an equal opportunity to achieve an NYU education, not grant that privilege only to well-off students.
Are Boobs Finally Mainstream?

Are Boobs Finally Mainstream?

Drew Lederman, Contributing Writer February 21, 2017
Why can’t the world think of the female form as functioning outside the sexual sphere?