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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Times Square is a popular New York tourist hotspot with flashing ads and billboards on every building. It was the site of multiple arrests of protesters, including NYU students, during an anti-ICE protest last weekend. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

NYU Students Arrested at Protest, Claim Police Misconduct

Hundreds gathered at Times Square to protest against ICE and forced hysterectomies. At least three NYU students who attended were arrested.
Trace Miller, News Editor September 22, 2020

Several NYU first-years gathered with about 200 other protesters in Times Square to protest United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement and demand its abolishment on Saturday,...

The NYPD’s Subway Occupation Must End

The NYPD’s Subway Occupation Must End

After several instances of police abuse in New York City subway stations, an awareness of the NYPD’s campaign against those most in need is growing — this violent force must be confronted.
Asha Ramachandran, Contributing Writer November 11, 2019

A young black man, Adrian Napier, was sitting alone on the subway at the Franklin Avenue station in Brooklyn on Oct. 25. A gang of police officers assembled outside of the train,...

Homelessness Isn’t Something You Can Scrub Off the Streets

Homelessness Isn’t Something You Can Scrub Off the Streets

Acknowledging that the systems which are meant to help homeless people need immense restructuring is more urgent than ever.
Alejandro Villa Vásquez, Contributing Writer February 7, 2019

This isn’t the first time a picture taken of homeless people has sparked debate about the potentially — and almost invariably — exploitative nature of photographing them,...

Professor Barry Friedman founded the Policing Project in an effort to bring democratic engagement to policing within the community.

NYU Professor Helping to Combat Police Brutality

Jemima McEvoy, Deputy News Editor November 6, 2016
Q&A with NYU Professor and founder of the Policing Project collaboration with NYU Law.
Solitary Confinement Reform a Time-Sensitive Issue

Solitary Confinement Reform a Time-Sensitive Issue

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer September 7, 2016
Over a year and a half after punitive segregation reforms were implemented, the Department of Corrections has yet to put them in place.
Officer Discipline Records Need Transparency

Officer Discipline Records Need Transparency

September 6, 2016
The NYPD has demonstrated a complete unwillingness to listen to public demand for greater accountability.
NYPD Must Be Held Accountable For Its Actions Against Citizens and Police Alike

NYPD Must Be Held Accountable For Its Actions Against Citizens and Police Alike

WSN Editorial Board March 2, 2016
The Forster case sheds light on an enormous double standard — the police spring into action when the victims are their own men, but are reluctant to take a stand when civilians are involved.
NYC Schools Need Less Police, More Care

NYC Schools Need Less Police, More Care

Richard Shu, Opinion Editor January 25, 2016
Ditch the police officers and metal detectors in New York's public schools, and a productive learning culture can grow in their place.
Documenting use of force positive step for NYPD

Documenting use of force positive step for NYPD

WSN Editorial Board October 5, 2015
The NYPD's reforms on the use of force are a step in the right direction.