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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Ricardo Seco F/W 2017

Gabriella Bower, Editor-at-Large January 31, 2017

Following President Donald Trump's executive order that restricts immigration from seven Muslim countries, suspends all refugee admission for 120 days and bars all Syrian refugees...

The Salesman opened in New York on Friday the 27th of January.

Nominated for an Oscar, Banned from Ceremony

Bradley Alsop, Staff Writer January 30, 2017
With the advent of President Trump's executive order halting arrivals of people from several Muslim-majority countries, Oscar-nominated director Asghar Farhadi is refusing to attend the Oscars ceremony, despite his film "The Salesman" being nominated for an award.
People attended the rally hosted by the Council On American-Islamic Relations in Washington Square Park in light of President Donald Trump's ban on immigrants from countries with a high Islamic population.

People Flock to Washington Square Park for Emergency Rally

Diamond Naga Siu, Editor-in-Chief January 26, 2017
The Council On American-Islamic Relations is hosting a rally in Washington Square Park in light of President Donald Trump's ban on immigrants from countries with a high Islamic population.
At the emergency rally on Jan. 25, New Yorkers came together to show solidarity with the Muslim American and immigrant communities.

Emergency Rally for Muslim and Immigrant Rights Held in Washington Square Park

Jemima McEvoy and Sayer Devlin January 25, 2017
After President Donald Trump signed executive orders concerning immigration, thousands of protestors congregated at Washington Square Park for an emergency rally.
Hundreds gathered at the Muslim Students Association’s Nov. 10 Rise Against Hate Rally, in Kimmel.

MSA Continues Efforts for Inclusivity in the Aftermath of Trump’s Inauguration

Miranda Levingston, Deputy News Editor January 25, 2017
The Muslim Students Association responds to acts of hate and ignorance with love to send a message
NYU students and staff crowd the stairs of Kimmel at an MSA rally.

NYU Islamophobia Post-Trump Election

Diamond Naga Siu, News Editor November 17, 2016
Islamophobia increased around both the nation and the university after Donald Trump became president-elect, and two Muslim females shared their narratives with the current political climate.

Fight Against Islamophobia Continues at Tandon Rally

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy November 16, 2016
The Muslim Student Association held another rally in response to the vandalism at the Tandon campus.
Muslim students at NYU's school of engineering woke up Wednesday to find the door to their prayer room vandalized in the name of Donald Trump.

Tandon Prayer Room Vandalized With ‘Trump!’

Sayer Devlin, Deputy News Editor November 10, 2016
Muslim students at the Tandon School of Engineering found the outside of their prayer room vandalized on Wednesday, with one word scrawled in erasable marker across the door: “Trump!”
Dastaar is a short film created by CAS alum Javian Le, focusing on the themes of Islamophobia in the US, especially shortly after the events of 9/11.

Alum Short Film Tackles Islamophobia

Sophie Bennett, Staff Writer October 24, 2016
In his powerful new short film "Dastaar," NYU alumni Javian Ashton Le examines the pervasive bias towards Muslims and practitioners of Islam in today's heated political climate.
NYU’s Catholic Centre, just one of the religious hubs housed in GCASL, contains a comfortable common room and chapel, each adorned with statues and portraits.

Faith Leaders Praise NYU’s Religious Diversity Efforts

Faith Gates, Contributing Writer October 13, 2016
Faith leaders on campus praise NYU for its religious diversity.
On January 27, 2015, the International Holocaust Day, a group of NYU students and professors held a ceremony under the Washington Square Park arch to commemorate people who risked their lives.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day Honored At NYU

Jami Tanner, Contributing Writer January 28, 2016
People gathered in Washington Square Park to honor protectors during the Holocaust, especially Muslim individuals, who often risked their own lives to save the “other."

Hate crimes require harsher punishment

WSN Editorial Board February 12, 2015
The fatal shooting of 3 Muslim students at UNC shows how intolerance hurts college towns.