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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Following the success of their "Luxury Launch" course last year, Luxury Marketing is NYU Stern's new MBA program.

Stern Adds New Luxury Marketing MBA Program

Thomas Peracchio, Staff Writer March 2, 2016
After successfully introducing their "Luxury Launch" course last year, NYU Stern is now creating a luxury-industry oriented MBA program.
NYU Stern has just received a $1 million donation from Citi Foundation.

Stern Receives $1 Million to Launch Center for Sustainable Business

Ludovica Grieco, Staff Writer February 25, 2016
NYU Stern received $1 million from Citi Foundation to implement more sustainable business practices.
Amid claims that NYU does not foster an inclusive environment for people of color, a new lawsuit against the university claims that an employee faced discrimination in his time here.

Students Remain Wary as University Announces Affordability Plans

Anne Cruz, News Editor February 22, 2016
Andrew Hamilton and Gabrielle Starr update the NYU community regarding new affordability initiatives.
The NYU College of Nursing was awarded a grant of $200K which will support the NYU-Visiting Neighbors partnership.

$200k Grant to NYUCN Gives Chance for Older Citizens to Find Home

Suhana Jagadesan, Contributing Writer February 4, 2016
NYU College of Nursing students are providing home visits to high-risk older adults living in NYU housing and the surrounding community.
Writer-in-residence, Martin Amis, spoke at the NYU Creative Writing Department's program: "New Salon: Writers in Conversation".

Martin Amis Kicks Off 2016 “New Salon: Writers in Conversation” Series

Bertram Proctor, Contributing Writer February 1, 2016
Martin Amis is the Creative Writing writer-in-residence
After a $100 million dollar donation, NYU Tandon continues to receive more funding.

After Tandon donation, money continues to roll in

Greta Chevance, Staff Writer October 27, 2015
After NYU Tandon School of Engineering received a $100 million donation, the university has seen an influx of money come in.
The Graduate Student Organizing Committee, or GSOC, voted this past Friday regarding Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions' measures against the Israeli state.

GSOC holds work-in, says university not holding up their end of the contract

Diamond Naga Siu, Contributing Writer October 15, 2015
GSOC expressed their frustration over what they claim is NYU's resistance to implement last year's contract.
The SPS Center for Global Affairs is launching the Initiative for the Study of Emerging Threats.

NYU takes new approach toward non-traditional security issues

Ludovica Grieco, Contributing Writer September 23, 2015
The SPS Center for Global Affairs is launching the Initiative for the Study of Emerging Threats (ISET), which will focus on nontraditional security issues.
NYU is faced with a $16 million lawsuit against a former employee who claims he was discriminated against.

Alum, Miami Dolphins owner gives $20 million to NYU Law

Alice Zhang, Contributing Writer September 23, 2015
The NYU law school just received its largest donation in the history of the school.
Construction workers cleanup damage from the East Village fire.

NYU Can Help initiative launches

Marita Vlachou, News Editor April 2, 2015
NYU is launching the NYU Can Help initiative in order to help provide relief to those affected by the 7th Street fire.
Moving back home not a source of shame

Moving back home not a source of shame

Zahra Haque, Staff Writer November 25, 2014
Returning home after graduation is not stigmatized in other cultures. It should be this way for Americans, too.
Hacking event  capitalizes  on Bitcoin

Hacking event capitalizes on Bitcoin

Alex Bazeley, Deputy News Editor November 17, 2014
Students worked for 24 hours to create innovative platforms incorporating Bitcoin.