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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Bipolar Disorder: A Radiator and a Window

Bipolar Disorder: A Radiator and a Window

Between the overbearing heat of a radiator and the cold bursts of a broken windowsill, Abbey attempts to find stability in her New York apartment.
Abbey Whelan, UTA Voices Editor April 27, 2021

The second I heard the radiator creak and groan on the first day of winter, I knew I was screwed. I had never seen a radiator before moving to New York City. I hadn’t given it...

Will NYU Improve the SHC Now?

Will NYU Improve the SHC Now?

NYU’s department of Counseling and Wellness Services has officially fallen below the national standard. Will this finally be the impetus for NYU to improve its mental health facilities?
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor November 6, 2019

I felt pretty hopeless at the end of last semester. WSN reported in May that the wait times between appointments from NYU’s Counseling and Wellness Services are dangerously above...

New Wellness Resource Indicates Lack of Accountability by NYU

New Wellness Resource Indicates Lack of Accountability by NYU

Though While You Wait seems like a step toward NYU improving its mental health facilities, a closer look reveals multiple problems with the ways that the university resolves student issues.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor October 21, 2019

NYU’s Wellness Exchange recently launched While You Wait, a resource to combat the notoriously long times that students have had to wait between sessions from the Counseling...

I Tried Gratitude Journaling for a Week

I Tried Gratitude Journaling for a Week

How five days of gratitude journaling changed my outlook on life.
Kylie Marsh, Contributing Writer February 26, 2019

I have depression. PTSD. Low self-esteem. While many with mental illnesses turn to writing and journaling to cope, I personally hate gimmicky trends. Bullet journals look like...

Therapy Isn’t What You Think

Therapy Isn’t What You Think

Staff writer Natasha Jokic writes about her experiences with therapy and what people should and shouldn’t expect from it.
Natasha Jokic, Staff Writer November 25, 2018
Staff writer Natasha Jokic writes about her experiences with therapy and what people should and shouldn’t expect from it.
Don’t Discourage Discussing Mental Illness

Don’t Discourage Discussing Mental Illness

Henry Cohen, Staff Writer April 3, 2017
Unfortunately, this shift in what is and is not acceptable to say has created a dangerously misguided flipside, specifically when well-meaning people discourage others from saying that they feel depressed or anxious when they “don’t really mean it.”
Some students at NYU Tandon have commented on the quality of their physics classes being much lower than those offered in CAS.

Tandon Researchers Develop Database to Reduce Crime and Incarceration

Mack DeGeurin, Contributing Writer February 7, 2017
Political groups at NYU weigh in on NYU student Trevor Hill's conversation with Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.
Athletes’ mental struggle is often overlooked in favor of their physical feats.

A Battle on the Field and in the Mind

Rayne Ellis, Contributing Writer November 14, 2016
Athletes put their bodies through massive amounts of pain and stress, but little attention is given to the pain and stress of the mind.
Halloween Industry Scapegoats Mental Disorders

Halloween Industry Scapegoats Mental Disorders

WSN Editorial Board October 27, 2016
Halloween entertainment exploits struggles and perpetuates the stigma behind mental illnesses.

Wellness Center Leaves Students Wanting More

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 16, 2015
The NYU Wellness Center's take on dealing with mental illness has been given mixed reviews by both graduates and undergraduates.
Mental health must be college health priority

Mental health must be college health priority

Emily Fong, Staff Writer November 16, 2015
As mental illness becomes a bigger and bigger part of the national discourse on personal health, it is imperative that we create some sort of safety net for the people who are struggling. Universities must be a huge part of this movement, because they represent a large portion of the population that is most at risk.

Guide to common mental health conditions

Emily Bell and Hannah Treasure September 25, 2014

Eating Disorders What are some identifying signs? Anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorders vary in symptoms — restrictive eating; binge eating; self-induced vomiting; abuse...