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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

In order to raise mental health awareness, Lily Derella, Sirin Thad, Leah Linder, and many others worked together to create a colorful quilt in Washington Square Park.

Quilting Away Mental Health Stigma

Miranda Levingston, Staff Writer October 27, 2016
Tumblr collaborates with the New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to raise awareness about mental health issues.
Halloween Industry Scapegoats Mental Disorders

Halloween Industry Scapegoats Mental Disorders

WSN Editorial Board October 27, 2016
Halloween entertainment exploits struggles and perpetuates the stigma behind mental illnesses.
InterACT hopes to bring awareness to mental illness and health issues through photographs.

Students Unmask Mental Health

Greta Chevance, Deputy News Editor April 18, 2016
NYU students created Project InterACT as a public platform to discuss mental health issues.
A breath of fresh air is always needed — even if that breath is halfway across the world.

Prague: Why Leaving New York Was the Best Thing I’ve Done for My Mental Health

Gabby Brooks, Contributing Writer February 17, 2016
The Big Apple is a lot to deal with, and sometimes you just need to clear your head.
Pray the Perils of Conversion Therapy Away

Pray the Perils of Conversion Therapy Away

Paris Martineau, Contributing Writer February 9, 2016
In an age in which same-sex marriage has been upheld by the Supreme Court as a fundamental right, state legislatures nationwide must do their part to forbid an immensely damaging and medically unsound procedure from occurring within their borders.

Wellness Center Leaves Students Wanting More

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 16, 2015
The NYU Wellness Center's take on dealing with mental illness has been given mixed reviews by both graduates and undergraduates.
Mental health must be college health priority

Mental health must be college health priority

Emily Fong, Staff Writer November 16, 2015
As mental illness becomes a bigger and bigger part of the national discourse on personal health, it is imperative that we create some sort of safety net for the people who are struggling. Universities must be a huge part of this movement, because they represent a large portion of the population that is most at risk.
De Blasio must tackle NYC homelessness problem

De Blasio must tackle NYC homelessness problem

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer November 3, 2015
De Blasio must keep his promise on tackling homelessness in NYC.
Posters and words of commemoration and encouragement as part of a candlelight vigil for those who have committed suicide.

Vigil held in WSP to commemorate lives taken by suicide

Abraham Gross, Contributing Writer October 14, 2015
In honor of Suicide Prevention Month, Active Minds at NYU hosted a vigil to commemorate those who have lost their lives to suicide.
Art-ivism Issue

Art-ivism Issue

Alexa Spieler, Arts Editor April 9, 2015

  As progressive as today’s society appears to be, spaces about stigmatized issues like mental health, racial injustices, LGBTQ rights or the unequal representation...

The trouble with returning

The trouble with returning

Isabelle Galet-Lalande, Contributing Writer December 1, 2014

This article comes from the Global Desk, a collaboration between The Gazelle, WSN and On Century Avenue. Read more by searching ‘global.’ This is a personal essay. New...

Effects of stop-and-frisk policy persist in NYC

WSN Editorial Board October 28, 2014
While the number of stops have decreased, the trauma caused by the former stop-and-frisk policy remains an issue for many New Yorkers.