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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Houston general manager Daryl Morey’s tweet in support of Hong Kong sparked outrage from Chinese fans. (Via Getty)

The NBA Wants You to Forget About Hong Kong

With the start of the NBA regular season last week, the league thinks it has moved on from its China controversy. But the protests are still continuing, and so should the conversation.
Bin Cho, Staff Writer October 27, 2019

In their 21st consecutive week, demonstrations in Hong Kong have become increasingly violent. A police officer shot an 18-year-old protestor earlier this month. Despite attempts...

Redefining Environmental Activism

Redefining Environmental Activism

Environmental activism uses a broad definition of environmentalism that foregrounds those with privilege. By narrowing down this definition and making it more inclusive, the 21st century environmental movement can finally globalize.
Nicole Chiarella, Contributing Writer October 14, 2019

Environmental activism is not unique to the 21st century. For hundreds of years, countless individuals have fought for a cleaner and healthier Earth. The late 1890s experienced...