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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

An image of a Sweetgreen storefront with a sign on the building that reads Sweetgreen.

Sweetgreen opens new Outpost location at Stern

The Stern School of Business expands their dining options for students on the go with new mobile order pickup stand.
Andrea Lui, Dining Editor January 29, 2024

Matcha Lattes - wonder for health or well-designed marketing scam? (Photo by Stefanie Chan)

Superfood or Super Fake?

Are your matcha latte and customized acai bowl saving you from cancer or turning manufacturers into multi-billionaires?
Yaprak Ugurses, Contributing Writer January 29, 2020

Wellness blogs, gourmet grocery stores and health food cafes are abundant with so-called superfoods. Goji berries allegedly protect your body from cancer as well as relieve symptoms...

Food Injustice, or Food Ignorance?

Food Injustice, or Food Ignorance?

Recently, there has been a push to promote gardening and cooking as methods to overcome food inequality in the United States. But these methods overlook systemic injustices.
Gabby Lozano, Staff Writer November 4, 2019

Former First Lady Michelle Obama cultivated a movement to increase access to the high-quality, nutrient-dense food necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. One of her more innovative...

The Skinny on Eating Healthy in College

The Skinny on Eating Healthy in College

Ignangeli Salinas-Muñiz, Contributing Writer April 20, 2018
Eating healthy in college can be a challenge, but with the right planning and motivation, anyone can do it.