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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

NYU and Howard University announced a medical partnership. Each University's nursing schools are collaborating in efforts to systemic racism and lack of diversity in nursing.

Howard University and NYU form academic partnership

The two universities’ nursing schools are collaborating on education and research to combat systemic racism and a lack of diversity in healthcare and healthcare careers.
Nina Huang, Staff Writer March 22, 2021

NYU’s Rory Meyers College of Nursing, a predominantly white institution, has established an education and research partnership with Howard University’s College of Nursing and...

Vaccine entitlement is unacceptable

Vaccine entitlement is unacceptable

Cutting in line for the COVID-19 vaccine threatens marginalized communities and undermines public trust in our healthcare system.
Lucy Yama, Contributing Writer March 11, 2021

As New York City accelerates COVID-19 vaccine distribution, the threat of vaccine entitlement jeopardizes the lives of the city’s most vulnerable populations. Vaccine entitlement...

From left to right, Dr. Melody Goodman, Dr. Emanuel Peprah, and Congresswoman Alma Adams spoke during a webinar hosted by NYU School of Global Public Health. The panel addressed how minority groups, especially the African American community, were especially affected by the current health crisis. (Via NYU, Staff Illustration by Chelsea Li)

Panelists Say COVID-19 Has Disproportionate Effects on African American Communities

GPH and NYU’s John Brademas Center organized a webinar discussing the discriminating impact of pandemics on vulnerable communities.
Aarushi Sharma, Staff Writer April 20, 2020

COVID-19 has taken a disproportionate toll on the African-American community, according to experts who spoke at a webinar on Friday, April 17.  The panel — held via Zoom...

Even in Times of Pandemic, Abortions Are Still Essential

Even in Times of Pandemic, Abortions Are Still Essential

Under a guise of sudden concern for public health, Republican lawmakers are quick to exploit coronavirus to fulfill their own moral crusade against abortion.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor March 31, 2020

Though we are all familiar with the long-perpetuated excuse for inactivity in times of tragedy, pro-life politicians have decided to subvert expectations by exploiting the coronavirus...

Mount Sinai social worker Carolyn Hutson discussed racial and ethnic biases in the United States’ healthcare system. (Staff photo by Alexandra Chan)

NYU Alumna Talks Racial and Ethnic Biases in US Healthcare System

NYU graduate and Mount Sinai Clinical Instructor Carolyn Hutson discussed racial and ethnic biases in the United States healthcare system during an event Tuesday evening.
Roshni Raj, Deputy News Editor February 5, 2020

Mount Sinai Clinical Instructor and NYU alumna Carolyn Hutson spoke on Tuesday about the dangerous consequences of distrust between minority groups and the medical establishment...

Don’t Fixate on Calories

Don’t Fixate on Calories

Our society-perpetuated obsession with counting calories overlooks our unique nutritional needs and the different ways our bodies function and process food.
Helen Wajda, Deputy Opinion Editor February 3, 2020

In between classes yesterday, I grabbed a granola bar to hold me over until my next meal. I usually try to avoid scrutinizing nutrition labels too closely, but this time something...

GSOC Deserved Better Communication

GSOC Deserved Better Communication

NYU’s decision to change some graduate students’ healthcare plans speaks towards a bigger problem of a lack of communication between the university and its students.
WSN Editorial Board February 11, 2019

This last week, an administrative decision to withhold information from the student body resulted in yet another controversy regarding credibility. WSN covered NYU’s lack of...

The Graduate Student Organizing Committee is calling for NYU to fire professor Avital Ronell, who was suspended last year for sexual harassment. (Photo courtesy GSOC)

Unpacking the Graduate Student-NYU Healthcare Conflict

NYU explained in a recent statement to WSN why it lied about needing to consolidate graduate student healthcare plans.
Victor Porcelli, News Editor February 11, 2019

One week after WSN reported on NYU lying to its graduate students about a requirement to consolidate healthcare plans, the implications and extent of this misrepresentation of...

The Monetization of Wellness

The Monetization of Wellness

Katie Peurrung, Deputy Photo Editor April 16, 2018
Wealth should not be health. Healthy choices should be accessible to everyone, regardless of economic class.
Small Victories in ACA Replacement Prove Protests Are Worth It

Small Victories in ACA Replacement Prove Protests Are Worth It

WSN Editorial Board March 8, 2017
While many on the right have called these protests pointless and a waste of time, the decision to keep young adults covered proves that the GOP is being influenced by the pressure coming from young protestors.
The Affordable Nobody Cares Act

The Affordable Nobody Cares Act

Kate Holland, Contributing Writer February 13, 2017
More importantly, if so many Americans are insured by the ACA, why are Republicans threatening the law with no alternative healthcare plan under way?
Women donned pink pussy hats today for a pro-Planned Parenthood rally in Washington Square Park.

People Rally for Pro-Planned Parenthood

Miranda Levingston, Deputy News Editor February 11, 2017
Students and prominent feminist figures gathered in Washington Square Park in support of Planned Parenthood today.