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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

AMC’s miniseries “The Night Manager” is a captivating mystery adapted from John le Carre’s novel.

Avengers Star Manages the Night in Miniseries

Tony Schwab, Staff Writer April 25, 2016
"The Night Manager" is a new miniseries on AMC starring Tom Hiddleston as a hotel manager who is recruited to infiltrate an international arms network.
'Art for Every Home’ Has Rich Past

‘Art for Every Home’ Has Rich Past

Carter Glace, Staff Writer April 25, 2016
"Art for Every Home" at the Grey Art Gallery showcases the artist group Associated American Artists.
TEDxNYU hosted a Color Party to relieve some stress with art therapy.

TEDxNYU Gets Legit About Coloring

Tony Schwab, Staff Writer April 18, 2016
TEDxNYU hosted "Color Party" last week, to tout the stress relief benefits of coloring books for all ages.
The second season of Netflix’s original series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was released on April 15th.

Kimmy Schmidt Still Unbreakable

Anubhuti Kumar, Staff Writer April 18, 2016
The new season of "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" premiered on Netflix over the weekend and it continues the quality of the first.
Rugrats was, no doubt, a childhood cartoon classic.

Staff Recs: ’90s Cartoons

Staff April 15, 2016
Embrace the nostalgia as the WSN staff lists our favorite 90s cartoons. Woogidi woogidi woogidi!
Nelson Saiers’s investigative Wall Street exhibit opened at HG Contemporary Gallery on Thursday April 7, 2016.

We’re Not on Wall Street Anymore

Angela Dizon, Contributing Writer April 14, 2016
Nelson Saiers' art show "Inside Wall St" uses his experience as a hedge fund manager to criticize the financial industry.

Alec Baldwin and Billy Crystal Headline Tisch 50th Anniversary Gala

Zach Martin, Arts Editor April 13, 2016
The Tisch 50th Anniversary Gala honored the Tisch family as well as the school's notable alumni.
The “Pilot Co-Pilots!” podcast features two Tisch alumni reviewing TV show pilots.

‘Pilot Co-Pilots!’ Recs New TV

Andres Osorio, Contributing Writer April 11, 2016
On "Pilots Co-Pilots!," two NYU alums review first episodes of new TV shows and talk to leaders in the industry.
Jurnee Smollett-Bell, one of the stars of “Underground”, speaks about the difficulty in portraying an enslaved character.

Fusion Festival Premiere Takes Different Angle on Slavery

Adrienne Messina, Contributing Writer April 11, 2016
Fusion celebrated alum Misha Green by hosting a screening of the new WGN show "Underground", a series about the Underground Railroad that Green co-created.
"The Idiot" is on display at Brennan & Griffin Gallery in Red Hook at 62 Delavan Street in Brooklyn, NY from April 1st - May 22nd.

Creepily Cheerful Art Inspired by Dostoevsky on Display in ‘The Idiot’

Tony Schwab, Staff Writer April 8, 2016
"The Idiot," Dave McDermott's new art gallery in Red Hook mixes the upsetting and the humorous.

Binge-watching More Than a Fad

Jordan Reynolds, Staff Writer April 7, 2016
Streaming multiple episodes in a row and giving up the traditional wait period of weekly TV makes binge watching worthy of more than just a fad.
George Lopez stars in the new TV Land show, "Lopez".

George Lopez Gains Self-Awareness in New Show

Carter Glace, Staff Writer April 6, 2016
George Lopez, in his latest project, has a new show on TVLand where he plays a fictionalized version of himself.