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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Millennials Should Be Excited for Clinton

Millennials Should Be Excited for Clinton

Annie Cohen, Staff Writer September 26, 2016
Hillary Clinton is not Donald Trump with a few different policies and a better makeup artist. She is an intelligent, hardworking woman who has already accomplished an astonishing amount for this country, and who will continue to do so if elected president.
College Republicans Drama Tests The Future of GOP

College Republicans Drama Tests The Future of GOP

Richard Shu, Staff Writer September 21, 2016
From the highest marks of the party itself, all the way down to the grassroots college-level efforts, Trump has cleaved a divide between those who stand up for the principles they believe in, even if it means betraying their party, and those who would rally behind an egotistical, lying braggart if only to keep their trembling elephant standing a little longer.
Trump Surrogates Erode Trust In Political Process

Trump Surrogates Erode Trust In Political Process

Annie Cohen, Staff Writer September 20, 2016
Donald Trump’s surrogates are a haphazard group of political and cultural eccentrics, most of whom have little to no knowledge of or experience in politics.
Proudly proclaiming his Trump allegiance, Nachmany changed his Facebook profile picture with the caption “Let’s make America great again.”

Trump Controversy Reaches State Level

Diamond Naga Siu, News Editor September 19, 2016
The New York College Republicans Federation has been plunged into controversy as Cornell Republicans threatened to sue SPS senior Eli Nachmany for decertifying the club after it officially endorsed Libertarian Gary Johnson.
Matt Lauer Perpetuates Sexist Double Standard

Matt Lauer Perpetuates Sexist Double Standard

Blake Waranch, Contributing Writer September 19, 2016
Matt Lauer's performance shows that future debate moderators desperately need to hold both candidates to the same standard on stage.
President-elect, Donald Trump, proposed many ideas during his presidential campaign, but due to their equivocation on the major issues, here are the top 6 that will impact NYU students.

Divide Among NYU College Republicans Over Endorsing Trump

Diamond Naga Siu and Abraham Gross September 14, 2016
With the election only weeks away, NYU College Republicans are divided over endorsing their party's nominee.
Clinton’s 'Basket of Deplorables' Comment Is Both Accurate and Tactical

Clinton’s ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Comment Is Both Accurate and Tactical

Matthew Perry, Staff Writer September 13, 2016
Clinton’s statement was far too calculated to be labeled a gaffe.
Alt-Right Not Welcome in U.S. Politics

Alt-Right Not Welcome in U.S. Politics

Annie Cohen, Staff Writer September 6, 2016
The acceptance and inclusion of the alt-right and the normalization of racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism, and general xenophobia that it breeds.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump face off in the first presidential debate, located at Hofstra University.

Trump and Clinton Win Big in New York, Edge Closer to Nomination

Rebecca Oh, Staff Writer April 20, 2016
Clinton and Trump are the favorites in a race that has seen more competition for each party's ticket than the two would have anticipated.
Senator Bernie Sanders spoke for 90 minutes at the rally last Wednesday in Washington Square Park.

Voting in the NY Primary? Get to Know Your Candidates

Anne Cruz, News Editor April 18, 2016
A look at which presidential candidates remain and the platforms they are running on.
NYU Needs to Address Its Hostility Towards Trump Supporters

NYU Needs to Address Its Hostility Towards Trump Supporters

Aaron Reuben, Contributing Writer April 15, 2016
Regardless of whether or not these feelings of hostility have been embellished or exaggerated, strict labeling and rejection of Trump supporters and the swirl of media that has ensued is detrimental to NYU, an institution renowned for its free speech, social movements and debate.
Corporate Media, How About Some Real News?

Corporate Media, How About Some Real News?

Ana Lopez, Contributing Writer April 13, 2016
The Globe’s parody is part of a larger failure of the media to provide its readers with substantive news and commentary.