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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Despite Election Results, Hate Still Has No Place At NYU

Despite Election Results, Hate Still Has No Place At NYU

WSN Editorial Board November 11, 2016
Every school needs to set a clear precedent: following in the hateful footsteps of our new president-elect is both unacceptable and inexcusable. This is not merely a matter of differing political opinion. This is about the safety and security of our students.
In a Trump World, I Am Lost

In a Trump World, I Am Lost

Paris Martineau, Deputy Opinion Editor November 11, 2016
When I heard the news, I wanted to call my mom and just sob. But I couldn’t, because my parents are Trump supporters.
Muslim students at NYU's school of engineering woke up Wednesday to find the door to their prayer room vandalized in the name of Donald Trump.

Tandon Prayer Room Vandalized With ‘Trump!’

Sayer Devlin, Deputy News Editor November 10, 2016
Muslim students at the Tandon School of Engineering found the outside of their prayer room vandalized on Wednesday, with one word scrawled in erasable marker across the door: “Trump!”

New York Reacts: Trump Elected President

Anna Letson, Multimedia Editor November 9, 2016
NYU Journalism students went around New York today and asked people about their feelings surrounding the election results. This is what they had to say.
Donald Trump won the presidential election on Tuesday night, in a turn of events that perhaps no one, even Trump himself, saw coming.

Donald Trump Has Been Elected President of the United States

Alex Bazeley, Editor-in-Chief November 9, 2016

Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States early Wednesday morning, ending the most ridiculous presidential race in recent history with the outcome that...

America Needs a National Ballot

America Needs a National Ballot

WSN Editorial Board November 7, 2016
When ballots are systematically organized, lingering concerns about election fraud can be more easily dispelled.
Franz Ferdinand contributed the song “Demagogue” to the “30 Songs, 30 Days” project, on its fifth day.

Pop is Putting the ‘Polis’ Back in ‘Politics’

Emily Fong, Opinion Editor October 26, 2016
The "30 Days, 30 Songs" initiative does what politics is supposed to do: make the officials that run our country and the processes surrounding their election back into a matter of public interest.
In "The Pumpkin Pie Show: Stump Speeches", writer and actor Clay McLeod Chapman incorporates the horrors of Halloween and the current presidential election into a humorous, vulgar show.

The Election Gets a Spooky Twist

Caroline Zemsky, Contributing Writer October 24, 2016
With just the right amount of Halloween gore and vulgarity, "The Pumpkin Pie Show: Stump Speeches" perfectly parodies the 2016 presidential election, throwing shade (or rather, guts) at both sides of the partisan debate.
Dastaar is a short film created by CAS alum Javian Le, focusing on the themes of Islamophobia in the US, especially shortly after the events of 9/11.

Alum Short Film Tackles Islamophobia

Sophie Bennett, Staff Writer October 24, 2016
In his powerful new short film "Dastaar," NYU alumni Javian Ashton Le examines the pervasive bias towards Muslims and practitioners of Islam in today's heated political climate.
Trump Tapes Trample Progress in Sexual Assault Awareness

Trump Tapes Trample Progress in Sexual Assault Awareness

Cara Zambrano, Staff Writer October 24, 2016
In a society in which young people are becoming increasingly aware of the realities of sexual assault, the kind of backwards thinking shown in the Trump tapes cannot be accepted.
Partisan Wikileaks Are Not Democratic

Partisan Wikileaks Are Not Democratic

Annie Cohen, Staff Writer October 24, 2016
We have a responsibility to denounce Wikileaks for their unabashedly ill-intended actions. This information is simply not legitimate, and nobody knows who -- or what -- will be the next target.
Trump’s Victim Blaming is Unacceptable

Trump’s Victim Blaming is Unacceptable

Emma Rudd, Contributing Writer October 21, 2016
In an example of sheer hypocrisy, Trump has shamed and berated the victims of sexual assault for falsifying their victimization and also asked for sympathy from voters as he victimizes himself.