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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Learn from the master

Mikaella Evaristo, Contributing Writer November 18, 2015
Gallatin alumnus and Barneys New York insider Jackie Kim shares words of wisdom on everything from internships to post-grad life in the industry.
Changing Majors: Daniel Cheng and Ardi Khalafi

Changing Majors: Daniel Cheng and Ardi Khalafi

Lingyi Hou, Staff Writer November 12, 2015
The first in a weekly series about NYU students and their experiences with their changing majors.
Three teams of NYU students will present their business ideas at the Cornell Entrepreneurship Summit next month.

NYU entrepreneurial teams to join Cornell summit

Greta Chevance, Contributing Writer October 19, 2015
Three student teams from NYU will share their business ideas with investors at the Cornell Entrepreneurship Summit at the beginning of November.
Participants of the 2015 Entrepreneurial Challenge compete against each others for the opportunity to win up to $200 thousand.

Entrepreneurial challenge welcomes participants of all backgrounds

Ramsee Chand, Contributing Writer September 17, 2015
Hundreds of aspiring entrepreneurs from NYU’s student, alumni and faculty communities in Paulson Auditorium gather hear about this year’s Entrepreneurs Challenge.
Larry Miller is the new director of Steinhardt’s music business program.

Music program welcomes director

Lingyi Hou, Staff Writer September 8, 2015
Larry Miller has been named the new director of Steinhardt's music business program.

Stern program will benefit work ethics

WSN Editorial Board September 10, 2014
By educating business students about ethics, the Stern mindfulness initiative will reach the future of the corporate world.
Going Global: Courts should put workers over corporations

Going Global: Courts should put workers over corporations

April 18, 2014
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals found a corporate regulation unconstitutional on April 14.
Felipe De La Hoz/WSN

Experts elucidate Bitcoin currency

April 8, 2014
NYU's School of Law hosted the Digital Currency Conference, which explored the digital currency Bitcoin and its future.
file photo by Rachel Kaplan/WSN

Poly, Scientific American Magazine bring education online

February 27, 2014
The classes will be presented as “Active Learning Modules” and will run Monday to Friday, but students will have access to the classes 24 hours every day.
High taxes in Europe hurt businesses

High taxes in Europe hurt businesses

February 27, 2014
Businesses will move out of Europe if policies toward businesses remain unfriendly.
Businesses profit despite underperformance

Businesses profit despite underperformance

November 26, 2013
Businesses continue to monetize Thanksgiving this year despite underperforming.

Columbia hosts investment banking leadership conference

September 30, 2013
Over 700 students attended Columbia's leadership conference for investment bankers on Sept. 29.