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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

The sunlight was streaming through the leaves and falling on my denim-clad knees in sharp stripes of warmth. 

“Would you like a hug?” my friend asked and met my eyes with the warm sadness in hers. I nodded and shifted closer to lean my head on her shoulder. “Thank you for talking to me.” (Staff Illustration by Charlie Dodge)

When Sharing Becomes Healing

Dedicated to April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month, this personal essay details one person’s path from unlocking memories of their sexual trauma to pursuing and finding healing through compassion and understanding.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor April 27, 2020

At the end of the article there will be resources for survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones, feel free to go straight to the end of the page if reading this might trigger...

Professor Avital Ronell is returning to teaching in Fall 2020, after a leave of absence during the previous semester. (Image via Wikimedia Commons)

Ronell Takes Leave of Absence After Contentious Return Last Semester

German and Comparative Literature Professor Avital Ronell, who returned to NYU after being found guilty of sexually harassing her mentee via a Title IX investigation, is taking a leave of absence for the spring semester.
Lisa Cochran, News Editor February 4, 2020

Professor Avital Ronell — who returned to teach last semester after a year-long suspension for sexually harassing a student — will be taking a leave of absence this spring,...

Interpreting Silence: What NYU's Low Title IX Complaints Mean

Interpreting Silence: What NYU’s Low Title IX Complaints Mean

Data released on Title IX complaints in New York State have statistics that show NYU, and other universities, have serious distrust issues with its student body, as well as the fact that the administration refuses to address the problem.
WSN Editorial Board February 3, 2020

On Jan. 27, the New York State Education Department released its data report on Title IX complaints from college campuses across the state. It is a result of the “Enough is Enough”...

A Semester in Review: NYU Continues to Prioritize Itself Over Students

A Semester in Review: NYU Continues to Prioritize Itself Over Students

Our editorial board looks back at the most important issues of the semester. From protecting abusers to neglecting its dining facilities, our university continues to ignore key student concerns in favor of its own priorities.
WSN Editorial Board December 2, 2019

Throughout the semester, we’ve been trying to understand NYU’s treatment of its students — more specifically, whether NYU is implicitly pro- or anti-student. A pro-student...

GSAS student Alysha Kundanmal and other members of the graduate student union continued their call for Avital Ronell to be fired in a protest on Tuesday. (Photo by Mina Mohammadi)

Graduate Students Protest NYU’s Continued Employment of Professor Who Sexually Harassed a Student

The protest was held outside of Bobst Library by NYU’s graduate student union, which has continued to demand that NYU fire German and comparative literature professor Avital Ronell.
Victor Porcelli and Mina Mohammadi November 5, 2019

Calling on NYU to fire Professor Avital Ronell — who returned this semester after a year-long suspension for sexually harassing a student — around 20 graduate student workers...

(Staff Illustration by Sophia Di Iorio)

Some Students Welcome Ronell’s Return, Others Denounce It

Despite a Title IX investigation finding Professor Avital Ronell sexually harassed a student — for which some have called on NYU to fire her — many students sought out her first class back from a one-year suspension.
Lisa Cochran and Victor Porcelli September 9, 2019

NYU Professor Avital Ronell — who a Title IX investigation found guilty of sexually harassing a graduate student  mentee — returned on Friday to a crowd of students and one...

The Graduate Student Organizing Committee is calling for NYU to fire professor Avital Ronell, who was suspended last year for sexual harassment. (Photo courtesy GSOC)

NYU Responds to GSOC Petition that Avital Ronell be Fired

The graduate student union called on NYU to fire the professor who was found to have sexually harassed a student.
Victor Porcelli, News Editor September 6, 2019

NYU defended its response to Avital Ronell’s harassment of a graduate student in an open letter to the graduate student union on Thursday. The union had called for the professor’s...

The Graduate Student Organizing Committee is calling for NYU to fire professor Avital Ronell, who was suspended last year for sexual harassment. (Photo courtesy GSOC)

Graduate Student Union Demands NYU Fire Professor Who Sexually Harassed A Student

Professor Avital Ronell was suspended for a year for sexual harassing a student and is set to come back to NYU this fall. The Graduate Student Organizing Committee does not think a one-year suspension was enough and is calling for NYU to fire Ronell.
Victor Porcelli, News Editor May 27, 2019

Graduate students have demanded NYU fire Professor Avital Ronell, who was suspended for a year in August 2018 for sexually harassing a student and is set to return this fall. The...

Professor Avital Ronell (pictured) will return to NYU in the fall after being found responsible for sexual harassment last year. The Student Government Assembly published a letter on Friday condemning her return. (via Wikimedia Commons)

SGA Condemns the Return of Professor Accused of Sexual Harassment

After it was revealed that a professor accused of sexual harassment would return to teach at NYU in the fall, the Student Government Assembly published a letter condemning the professor and the university.
Meghna Maharishi, News Editor May 10, 2019

The Student Government Assembly published a letter on Friday condemning the return of German and Comparative Literature Professor Avital Ronell — who was found responsible for...

Professor Avital Ronell (pictured) will return to NYU in the fall after being found responsible for sexual harassment last year. The Student Government Assembly published a letter on Friday condemning her return. (via Wikimedia Commons)

Professor Accused of Sexual Harassment to Return to NYU

After an 11-month Title IX investigation found Professor Avital Ronell responsible for sexually harassing her doctoral advisee and led to her suspension, the professor will return to NYU to teach in the fall.
Meghna Maharishi, News Editor April 22, 2019

German and Comparative Literature Professor Avital Ronell — who was found responsible for sexually harassing a former graduate student — will be returning to teach at NYU this...

Professor Avital Ronell (pictured) will return to NYU in the fall after being found responsible for sexual harassment last year. The Student Government Assembly published a letter on Friday condemning her return. (via Wikimedia Commons)

NYU Professor and Feminist Scholar Found Responsible for Inappropriate Physical Contact, Sexual Texting

Jemima McEvoy, Sayer Devlin and Kristina Hayhurst August 13, 2018
Professor of German and Comparitive Literature Avital Ronell has been suspended for the upcoming academic year because of "inappropriate physical contact" and sending sexual texts to a former graduate student.