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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

NYU’s Alcohol Policy Needs a Change

NYU’s Alcohol Policy Needs a Change

Jack Campbell, Contributing Writer October 17, 2016
Even though NYU wants dorms to be alcohol-free, students should not be made to feel like the only place they can drink without getting into some form of unknown administrative trouble is in a shady nightclub.
Stay Out of Womens' Sex Lives, CDC

Stay Out of Womens’ Sex Lives, CDC

Paris Martineau, Contributing Writer February 18, 2016
The CDC’s declaration puts the rights of a fetus that might not even exist before the rights of women everywhere. Perhaps if we served every shot with a complementary pregnancy test, or had a candy bowl full of Plan B next to the coat check, the CDC might feel more at ease.
College drinking about safety, not prohibition

College drinking about safety, not prohibition

WSN Editorial Board October 26, 2015
Universities need to understand the reality that students are going to drink no matter what. Drinking policies need to teach students how to drink rather than futilely attempting to stamp it out.