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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Class of 2021 Diversity is a Great Step for President Hamilton

Class of 2021 Diversity is a Great Step for President Hamilton

WSN Editorial Board April 13, 2017
Heightened diversity advances the agenda of diversity repeatedly set out by Hamilton upon taking office at the beginning of 2016. This publication has been somewhat critical of Hamilton due to a lack of significant tangible actions to truly advance diversity, but this week’s news is an excellent step in the right direction.
iGrade is an online service developed to guide students and their families on personal and college-related finances. NYU’s Affordability Steering Committee announced a partnership with the service on March 29.

Affordability Steering Committee Partners With iGrad

Lorenzo Gazzola, Contributing Writer April 5, 2017
NYU's Affordability Steering Committee announced that NYU will be partnering with iGrad, an online service that educates its users on managing their personal and college-related finances.
A Year In, President Hamilton Is Learning and Listening

A Year In, President Hamilton Is Learning and Listening

Alex Bazeley, Editor-in-Chief November 28, 2016
Andrew Hamilton sits down with WSN to talk about his inaugural year as the 16th president of NYU.
Nationwide Tuition Hikes Are the Spookiest News of All

Nationwide Tuition Hikes Are the Spookiest News of All

WSN Editorial Board October 28, 2016
The recent nationwide increase in college tuition does not bode well for future students and their families.
The NYU Student Government hosted afternoon tea with President Andy Hamilton on October the 18th, at Kimball Hall.

Hamilton’s Afternoon Tea Talking Points

Diamond Naga Siu, News Editor October 19, 2016
President Hamilton hosted a town hall over tea to discuss affordability and answer student questions.
A government-issued identification card, IDNYC grants New York City residents access to public libraries, schools, and city services.

IDNYC Offers Students Affordable Perks Across the City

Téa Kvetenadze, Contributing Writer October 18, 2016
IDNYC helps NYU with its affordability efforts.
NYU commuters are moving into residence halls for the spring semester to save themselves time and stress.

A Senior Citizen As Your New Roommate

Sierra Jackson, Contributing Writer October 17, 2016
As part of its plan to make NYU more affordable, the Affordability Steering Committee plans to match students with senior citizens who have a spare bedroom by the fall of 2017.
Clinton’s New College Compact Compromises Credibility

Clinton’s New College Compact Compromises Credibility

WSN Editorial Board September 30, 2016
Clinton's new higher education proposal is a poorly made compromise.
Hamilton Doesn't Need a Party, He Needs a Plan

Hamilton Doesn’t Need a Party, He Needs a Plan

Nishad More, Staff Writer September 19, 2016
Hamilton has made strides in affordability, but nothing worth throwing an expensive weeklong party over.
Judgment Day Looms for Hamilton Promises

Judgment Day Looms for Hamilton Promises

WSN Editorial Board May 2, 2016
The coming semester will demonstrate whether this administration has become the standard-bearer for the students, or the new face of an old regime.
Letter to the Editor: “The Divestment Penalty”? Less Reliable Than You’d Think

Letter to the Editor: “The Divestment Penalty”? Less Reliable Than You’d Think

Divestment affirms and deepens the positive steps that NYU is already taking in reducing its emissions, producing important research in every discipline and educating the next generation of climate leaders. We do not accept the false dichotomy, which exists in the aforementioned article and elsewhere, between financial health and affirming what is right.
Ideas proposed at President Hamilton’s public affordability discussion that took place earlier this month.

Affordability Brainstorm Hits, Misses

Camille Larkins, Contributing Writer April 25, 2016
Here are the best 3 and worst 3 postings on NYU's Affordability Ideas website.