New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Tel Aviv: Nineteen Forty-Eight

Tel Aviv: Nineteen Forty-Eight

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer October 13, 2017
Patrick Seaman reflects on how his experience in Lebanon affects his experience in Tel Aviv.
Exposure | Walking Into A Wes Anderson Film

Exposure | Walking Into A Wes Anderson Film

Veronica Liow, Multimedia Abroad Editor October 2, 2017
A change from the monotonous colors of New York to the vivid hues of Florence.
Isolationist populism is becoming a concern not just in the United States, but also other parts of the world such as Britain and France.

World Politics: The Spring of Closed Doors

Raven Quesenberry, Contributing Writer May 1, 2017
In the political cacophony that has erupted during President Donald Trump's first 100 days in the White House, it's easy to get caught up — but it's important to stay aware of global politics as well.
Thanks NYU. No, Seriously.

Thanks NYU. No, Seriously.

Katrina Fadrilan, Guest Writer April 24, 2017
It’s the very exasperation towards our unconventional school that helps identify an NYU student — as if our shared unwillingness to settle, to remain complacent and our insistence to work for more are what defines us as a community.
Both America and Britain have recently seen a rise in populist movements. The political and cultural changes those who study abroad face can be overwhelming.

An American in Brexitland: The Confusion and the Culture

Ali Webb, Deputy Abroad Editor April 17, 2017
When Deputy Abroad Editor Ali Webb arrived in London, both her new city and her home country were in the midst of major political transitions.
NYUs campus in Shanghai, China, founded in 2013. (Photo by Casey Kwon)

First Graduating Class at NYU Shanghai

Adriana Tapia, Staff Writer April 12, 2017
NYU Shanghai will hold its first commencement ceremony on Sunday, May 28. The graduating class of 300 students first enrolled at the Shanghai campus in 2013.
Study Away Attendance Policy Presents Challenges for Students

Study Away Attendance Policy Presents Challenges for Students

Asha Ruparell, Contributing Writer April 3, 2017
Despite the ability to stay within the NYU framework while studying, one policy at study abroad sites sticks out like a sore thumb.

Exposure | Weekend Adventures Abroad

Anna Letson, Multimedia Abroad Editor February 28, 2017
With the three-day weekend incorporated into many study abroad schedules, there is an opportunity to explore one's study away destination, which in this case, is Paris.
Despite Grievances, NYU Incomparable

Despite Grievances, NYU Incomparable

WSN Editorial Board February 27, 2017
Although NYU offers its students an abundance of opportunities and resources, the university still has a lot of progress to make before it can reflect the values held by its student body and faculty.
Zoya To describes her life abroad at NYU Paris, comparing her expectations to reality.

Paris: The Dangerous Dream of Expectations

Zoya To, Contributing Writer February 10, 2017
Zoya To reflects on the moving to Paris for the wrong reasons and learning to love the city.
Trdelnik is a popular pastry in Prague that originated in Slovakia a few years ago. The confection — rolled dough topped with cinnamon, sugar and walnuts — has become quite popular among tourists and comes with a variety of fillings.

Czeching Out Some Traditional Czech Cuisine

Ankita Bhanot, Staff Writer February 7, 2017
The Czech Republic is known for its gorgeous architecture and revolutionary history, but not so much for its food. Check out some of Ankita Bhanot's favorite traditional dishes!
The Cibele Palace in Madrid

Madrid: Silencio Sobre Trump?

Abigail Weinberg, Staff Writer February 3, 2017
Abigail Weinberg talks about adjusting to Madrid reflects on keeping silent in a harsh political climate.