New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A blue package that reads: Plan B One-Step.

New vending machines to provide emergency contraceptives on campus

Students can now access emergency contraceptives at vending machines for $15 at five locations on campus.
Bruna Horvath, Deputy News Editor September 5, 2023

Emergency contraceptives will now be easier to access for NYU students, thanks to five vending machines stocked with the medication installed prior to the start of the semester. The...

An illustration of students sitting in a large room for a student government meeting. On the left, a purple banner with the N.Y.U. torch logo hangs on the wall and reads “N.Y.U. S.G.A.”

Student gov’t discusses outcry in Iran, budget proposal and million-dollar fund

NYU’s student government deliberated how to support students affected by violence in Iran, its budget proposal for the coming year and gave an update on a new fund at its biweekly meeting on Thursday.
Cora Snow, Deputy News Editor March 6, 2023

NYU’s Student Government Assembly discussed violence against women in Iran, its upcoming budget proposal to the university and a potential framework for using its new million-dollar...