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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Voting Should Be Mandatory in America

Voting Should Be Mandatory in America

Henry Cohen, Contributing Writer November 18, 2016
Among various other necessary reforms, it is time to join the ranks of the twenty-two nations that make voting mandatory for its citizens.
Gramercy Hate Crime Raises Tough Questions

Gramercy Hate Crime Raises Tough Questions

WSN Editorial Board November 18, 2016
Regardless of intent, this was a hate crime and must be treated as such.
America Needs a National Ballot

America Needs a National Ballot

WSN Editorial Board November 7, 2016
When ballots are systematically organized, lingering concerns about election fraud can be more easily dispelled.
Our Absentee Voting System Is the Worst

Our Absentee Voting System Is the Worst

Andrew Heying, Contributing Writer November 4, 2016
Absentee Voting is overly complicated to the point where some college students’ votes are never even counted.
Nationwide Tuition Hikes Are the Spookiest News of All

Nationwide Tuition Hikes Are the Spookiest News of All

WSN Editorial Board October 28, 2016
The recent nationwide increase in college tuition does not bode well for future students and their families.
Partisan Wikileaks Are Not Democratic

Partisan Wikileaks Are Not Democratic

Annie Cohen, Staff Writer October 24, 2016
We have a responsibility to denounce Wikileaks for their unabashedly ill-intended actions. This information is simply not legitimate, and nobody knows who -- or what -- will be the next target.
Trump’s Victim Blaming is Unacceptable

Trump’s Victim Blaming is Unacceptable

Emma Rudd, Contributing Writer October 21, 2016
In an example of sheer hypocrisy, Trump has shamed and berated the victims of sexual assault for falsifying their victimization and also asked for sympathy from voters as he victimizes himself.
America Has Seen Far Worse Presidents Than Trump

America Has Seen Far Worse Presidents Than Trump

Henry Cohen, Contributing Writer October 14, 2016
If Trump does somehow win the Presidency come November, he will not be the worst man America has ever elected to that office.

For Discipline in Politics, Turn to Veep Debate

Paris Martineau, Deputy Opinion Editor October 4, 2016
The vice presidential debate is something every prospective voter should carefully watch — and not because it is going to be scandalous and titillating, but precisely because it isn’t going to be.
Judgment Looms for Uninformed Voters

Judgment Looms for Uninformed Voters

Zoe Hall, Copy Chief September 26, 2016
This election season, for many, is a bit of a downer. But instead of concerning ourselves so much with the most celebrated — and depressing — race, we should divert our attention towards those running in races that aren’t as flashy: judges.
Tisch sophomore Jacob Iritani works extremely hard to manage a heavy course load, while also working an internship multiple days a week.

On the Job: Election Edition

Dyanna Fleites-Cruz, Contributing Writer September 23, 2016
For Tisch Sophomore Jacob Iritani, balancing an internship with his packed Film and Television course load is not an easy feat.
The Libertarian Party is one of the third parties, often neglected by voters. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian nominee, has been stirring noise in the impending presidential election.

Finding Liberty in a Third Party

Rachel Rivers, Contributing Writer September 21, 2016
In a contentious election season where Democrats and Republicans are frustrated in their choice of candidates, some NYU students are turning to the alternative appeal of the Libertarian Party.