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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Many NYU alums have gone into government positions in and out of the country.

From NYU to Government Offices

Miranda Levingston, Staff Writer November 14, 2016
A listicle of NYU alum who have held government positions.
Post-Election Care of Students Isn’t Coddling

Post-Election Care of Students Isn’t Coddling

WSN Editorial Board November 14, 2016
In a situation where a large majority of students are emotionally compromised and unable to perform their work, it is the job of the professor to recognize that and accommodate accordingly.
People gather on the Kimmel Staircase to watch the Rise Above Hate Rally

MSA Fights Bigotry with #NotOnOurCampus

Jemima McEvoy, Deputy News Editor November 11, 2016
The Muslim Students Association organized a rally at Kimmel in response to the vandalism at Tandon.
In a Trump World, I Am Lost

In a Trump World, I Am Lost

Paris Martineau, Deputy Opinion Editor November 11, 2016
When I heard the news, I wanted to call my mom and just sob. But I couldn’t, because my parents are Trump supporters.

Protesters Flood the Streets, Head to Trump Tower

Natasha Roy and Jemima McEvoy November 10, 2016
In a protest organized by Socialist Alternative, thousands of anti-Trumpers took to the streets, marching from Union Square to Trump Tower in midtown.

Madonna Affirms That #ShesWithHer at WSP Rally

Sayer Devlin and Natasha Roy November 8, 2016
Madonna performed at an impromptu rally in the fountain of Washington Square Park on the eve of election day.

Presidential Election Overshadows Local Ones

Téa Kvetenadze, Contributing Writer October 31, 2016
NYU students talk about whether or not they are interested in local elections in light of the Presidential election.
Personal Attacks Dumb Down Political Discourse

Personal Attacks Dumb Down Political Discourse

Veronica Liow, Contributing Writer October 24, 2016
Young voters, disenchanted with the state of politics, are choosing to pass when it’s their turn and then have the audacity to wonder why they are still discontented with the political game.
Ken Bone’s Notoriety Is Indicative of American Politics

Ken Bone’s Notoriety Is Indicative of American Politics

Melanie Pineda, Staff Writer October 19, 2016
Ken Bone, like the U.S., slowly developed into one colossal Internet joke with endless amounts of ugly history and, oddly enough, no punch line.
Campus Anti-War Presence Is Lacking

Campus Anti-War Presence Is Lacking

Isaac Oseas October 17, 2016
These anti-war views, however, find absolutely no expression with the main election choices, since both of the candidates have actively campaigned for U.S. interventionism.
There Are No Facts Left to Check in 2016

There Are No Facts Left to Check in 2016

WSN Editorial Board October 17, 2016
People who are running to be the next leader of the free world should not necessitate constant fact checking — ideally, there would be some truth to the messages they espouse.
Don’t Demonize the Average American Voter

Don’t Demonize the Average American Voter

Patrick Seaman, Staff Writer October 17, 2016
To vote for your own interests shouldn’t automatically make you an awful person, even if that puts you with Trump.