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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Mina Mohammadi

Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor

Mina Mohammadi is a Liberal Studies first-year intending to major in Journalism and Data Science. She is from Westchester County, but calls Iran home. When she’s not writing, you can find her at Muji inhaling essential oils or playing ping pong in Third North’s basement. Follow her on Instagram @minamohammadim because she doesn’t vibe with Twitter.

All content by Mina Mohammadi
During the BLM movement that had mass participation in protests this past summer, images of police officers going in and out of NYU buildings have gone viral on social media. NYPD presence on campus has raised some questions among NYU students. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

The NYPD’s Increased Presence at NYU

Some students have noticed an increased NYPD presence on campus, with many questioning NYU’s relationship with the police.
Mina Mohammadi, News Editor September 2, 2020

Students have noticed an increased prevalence in NYPD officers on campus and are using social media to question the relationship between the two institutions. Viral videos and...

Quarantined NYU Students Served Inadequate Meals

Quarantined NYU Students Served Inadequate Meals

Out-of-state NYU students have found themselves with a lack of quality food in the school’s 14-day mandatory quarantine.
Mina Mohammadi, News Editor August 25, 2020

Recently quarantined out-of-state students have been calling out NYU on social media for the poor quality of their meals — if they even receive meals at all — as reported by...

Palladium Hall is a popular choice for on-campus housing among upperclassmen. (Staff photo by Chelsea Li)

Student-Led Task Force Calls for Black Housing on Campus

As Black Lives Matter protests occur across the country, some Black students say racism is pervasive at NYU, especially in university housing. A group of Black students want to change that.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor July 20, 2020

Editor's Note, Aug. 24: Anonymity has been granted to one of the students who originally created the petition upon request, after publication. Soon after they met, Gallatin...

Palladium Hall is an upperclassmen dorm on 14th Street near Union Square and one of the many dorms Tom Ellet oversaw during his time as Senior Associate VP. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

Senior Associate VP for Student Affairs Tom Ellett Responds to Reports of Mistreatment, Exploitation and Lack of Transparency by Former RAs

As he departs in his capacity of overseeing the university's Residential Assistants, WSN spoke with Senior Associate VP Tom Ellet, as well as former RAs, about their complaints regarding the position.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor May 26, 2020

Three months ago, Cam Mesinger, a former Weinstein Resident Assistant and NYU Gallatin 2020 graduate, was on duty with their RA team. They were in a situation late at night where...

Ellett is retiring from NYU and joining Quinnipiac University, after previously working at Syracuse University and The Catholic University of America. (Photo via

Senior Associate VP for Student Affairs Tom Ellett Departs NYU After 19 Years

Ellett is retiring from NYU and joining Quinnipiac University as their Chief Student Experience Officer.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor May 26, 2020

Senior Associate VP for Student Affairs Tom Ellett will be retiring after nearly 2 decades at NYU to join Quinnipiac University as their Chief Student Experience Officer.  Ellett...

As schools across the country move to online learning, students have called for reform on the grading systems. The NYU School of Dentistry has announced they will not be adopting a pass/fail system for their students. (Photo by Min Ji Kim)

NYU College of Dentistry Rejects Pass/Fail

NYU Dentistry students say that the decision supports cheating and illegitimate grades.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor April 23, 2020

NYU College of Dentistry has chosen to reject a pass/fail grading system for the remainder of the spring semester as of Wednesday, April 22.  Dean Charles N. Bertolami and...

Illustration by Debbie Alalade.

To Drive a Car

A poem set in the summer, looking outward at the socioeconomic status of a Middle Eastern city.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor April 22, 2020

Usually when my cousin and I meet up over the summer, we would go on these drives in the capital city of our home country, blasting the rhythmic music and melodic tones of censored...

NYU recently released regular admission decisions for the incoming Class of 2024. NYU’s acceptance rate among other statistics have changed once again this year. (Staff Photo by Chelsea Li)

NYU Acceptance Rate Drops to 15% for the Class of 2024

The Class of 2024 will be the most selective and diverse in the University’s history.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor April 1, 2020

The acceptance rate for the Class of 2024 fell to 15% — the lowest in NYU history — as shown by admissions decisions released on Monday. NYU extended admission offers to...

The NYU Rory Meyers School of Nursing stands on First Avenue near the East River. Nursing students talk about their renewed passion in the healthcare field due to the current fight against COVID-19. (Photo courtesy of Amanda Zhao)

NYU Nursing Students Respond to Pandemic

NYU nursing students reflect on their field of study and future plans as Coronavirus consumes the nation’s attention.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor March 31, 2020

As New Yorkers await the apex of the pandemic, NYU Rory Meyers Nursing students find themselves experiencing both anxiety about entering the workforce and a renewed passion for...

Professor Avital Ronell is returning to teaching in Fall 2020, after a leave of absence during the previous semester. (Image via Wikimedia Commons)

Professor Avital Ronell to Teach a Course in Fall 2020

German and Comparative Literature Professor Avital Ronell, who was found guilty of sexually harassing her graduate advisee through a Title IX investigation, is returning to campus to teach a graduate course for Fall 2020.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor March 27, 2020

After a semester-long leave of absence, Professor Avital Ronell will be teaching a course during the Fall 2020 semester, NYU Graduate School of Arts and Science Dean Phillip Brian...

Palladium Hall is an upperclassmen dorm on 14th Street near Union Square and one of the many dorms Tom Ellet oversaw during his time as Senior Associate VP. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

Housing Representatives Demand Answers from University

The NYU Inter-Residence Hall Council responded to University President Andrew Hamilton’s announcement closing all residence halls and the continuation of online classes until the end of the semester via an email on Monday, March 16.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor March 17, 2020

The NYU Inter-Residence Hall Council released a statement on Monday, March 16 in response to President Hamilton’s announcement that NYU’s New York residence halls will close...

A rally is held at the Kimmel Stairs by International Youth and Students and Students for Social Equality on 2020 Super Tuesday. “Free Julian Assange, Free Chelsea Manning” rang from the Kimmel Stairs last night as Super Tuesday polling results rolled in. (Staff photo by Mina Mohammadi)

Student Organizers Lead Rally in Support of Assange

International Youth and Students for Social Equality held a rally at the Kimmel steps on Tuesday, March 3 to press for the release of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning from prison.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor March 4, 2020

“Free Julian Assange, free Chelsea Manning” rang from the Kimmel Center for University Life Stairs on Tuesday, March 3. Members of the NYU International Youth and Students...

Students gather at Kimmel's Pavilion for the Annual Black Muslim Symposium. (Photo by Aroosha Aamir)

Black Muslim Initiative Hosts Milestone Conference

The Second Annual NYU Black Muslim Initiative Symposium highlighted the erasure of Black Muslims in Islamic history.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor March 2, 2020

As a soulful Quranic recitation rang across the stage at Kimmel’s Rosenthal Pavilion with views of the New York City skyline in the background, Sheika Ieasha Prime, Scholar-in-Residence...

NYU faces complaints from a student filed in April about not addressing anti-Semitism enough on campus. (Photo by Anna Letson)

NYU Sued for Alleged Anti-Semitism, Students React

A Pro-Israel NYU alumna is suing the university for alleged violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, accusing NYU of harboring anti-semitism.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor February 24, 2020

NYU is in the midst of a lawsuit for allegedly violating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act — which bars discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin— by harboring...

Hafza Girdap, Advocates of Silenced Turkey's spokesperson discusses civil rights in Turkey with NYU students at "Babies Behind Bars." The discussion included topics ranging from the country's human rights violations to actions student activists can do to take action. (Staff photo by Mina Mohammadi)

NYU Amnesty International Chapter Hosts Talk on Turkey

Hafza Girdap, spokesperson from Advocates of Silenced Turkey, came to NYU’s Amnesty International Chapter to speak on the criminalization of human rights activism.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor February 19, 2020

Against a backdrop of increased scrutiny on Turkey’s violation of human rights, advocates met on Tuesday, Feb. 18 to discuss the imprisonment of political activists.  The...

Professor Thomas Marzzeta was elected to the National Academy of Engineering. (Photo courtesy of NYU Tandon)

Tandon Professor Elected to National Academy of Engineering

Tandon Distinguished Industry Professor Thomas L. Marzetta was elected to the National Academy of Engineering for his groundbreaking work in wireless technology and professorship.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor February 18, 2020

Thomas L. Marzetta’s father always hoped he would be a doctor, but instead, Marzetta found himself teaching engineering 40 years later. This month, his work in the field earned...

Dr. Inga Winkler discussed the conversation surrounding menstruation and remaining cultural stigma. (Staff photo by Alex Tran)

Menstruation as a Human Right, NYU Talk Discusses Cultural Stigma

Columbia University lecturer explains the importance of open discussion regarding menstruation as a human right.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor February 5, 2020

Against the backdrop of NYU’s implementation of free period products in every dorm, human rights professionals spoke Tuesday about the growing importance of menstruation rights...

Shanghai is a popular study abroad destination among NYU students. (Photo by Tony Wu)

Frustration mounts as NYU students cancel Shanghai study abroad plans

NYU students who originally planned on studying abroad in Shanghai are changing their plans, but not without complications.
Mina Mohammadi and Lisa Cochran February 3, 2020

Amid apprehension surrounding the coronavirus, NYU students previously expected to study in Shanghai have called off their plans, spurring anxiety over housing and class reassignment. Among...

ICE protesters show off homemade banners in Grand Central demonstration.  (Staff photo by Mina Mohammadi)

Photo: Activists Protest ICE in Grand Central Terminal

January 31, 2020

ICE protesters show off homemade banners in Grand Central demonstration. (Staff photo by Mina Mohammadi)

Classes at NYU Shanghai will start later than expected due to the recent outbreak of the deadly virus. (Photograph by Echo Chen)

NYU Shanghai Parents Call for Student Exodus to NYC

NYU Shanghai delays the start of spring classes due to the fast spread of the coronavirus, but parents and students do not think it’s enough.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor January 27, 2020

After China’s leader Xi Jinping warned of the “accelerating spread” of coronavirus on Saturday, universities across China, including NYU Shanghai, delayed the start of the...

Students march outside Bobst Library in  response to the university's decision to keep on Professor Avital Ronell. (Photo by Mina Mohammadi)

Photo: NYU's Title IX Complaints Come in Disproportionately Low in New Report

January 27, 2020

Students march outside Bobst Library in response to the university's decision to keep on Professor Avital Ronell. (Photo by Mina Mohammadi)

Recently, NYU added a pro-government course for students at the Shanghai campus.
(Photo by Casey Kwon)

NYU Shanghai Criticized for Unlisted, Pro-Government Course

A course not available on Albert included pro-Chinese government propaganda.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor November 25, 2019

NYU Shanghai offered a course involving various pro-China media and trips to monuments that commemorate communist martyrs last year at the request of the Chinese government, as...

NYU dorms started offering free menstrual products. (Staff Photo by Elaine Chen)

Dorms Provide Free Menstrual Products, Three Years After Student Push

The student group NYU Students for Sexual Respect called for free menstrual products in 2016 — now, after coordinating with the Office of Student Affairs, it’s a reality on the Washington Square campus.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor November 19, 2019

Originally a small pilot program at Alumni Residence Hall, NYU now provides free menstrual products through all its residence halls. The program was spearheaded in 2016 by NYU...

Students discussed struggles of first-generation and/or low-income, migrant, refugee and undocumented students on campus. (Staff Photo by Elaine Chen)

Underrepresented Students Demand Support From NYU

At a town hall for three underrepresented groups at NYU, attendees criticized the university for touting solidarity without taking action.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor November 18, 2019

When President Donald Trump rescinded support for children of undocumented immigrants on Sept. 5, 2017, NYU’s president, Andrew Hamilton, was quick to offer support to students...

Staff Rants: Course Registration

Staff Rants: Course Registration

We have no Staff Raves this week. Course registration is the worst.

On Jumping Through Hoops By Ethan Zack, Music Editor Can someone please tell me why underclassmen have to make an appointment with their advisor before they can register...

CSAW is an annual cybersecurity hackathon hosted by Tandon students. (Staff Photo by Marva Shi)

Tandon Students Organize World’s Largest Cyber Security Competition

High school students from six different countries participated in the 17th annual Cyber Security Awareness Week games.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor November 11, 2019

Against a sullen gray background, a Tandon School of Engineering gymnasium was packed with colorful balloons and tables of excited competitors with eyes glued to their laptops,...

GSAS student Alysha Kundanmal and other members of the graduate student union continued their call for Avital Ronell to be fired in a protest on Tuesday. (Photo by Mina Mohammadi)

Graduate Students Protest NYU’s Continued Employment of Professor Who Sexually Harassed a Student

The protest was held outside of Bobst Library by NYU’s graduate student union, which has continued to demand that NYU fire German and comparative literature professor Avital Ronell.
Victor Porcelli and Mina Mohammadi November 5, 2019

Calling on NYU to fire Professor Avital Ronell — who returned this semester after a year-long suspension for sexually harassing a student — around 20 graduate student workers...

A ‘Juul’ brand vaping product sits on a dorm room desk. Recently, an NYU study found that vaping led to lung cancer in mice. (Photo by Aidan Singh)

Vaping Linked to Cancer in Mice, NYU Study Says

Conducted by researchers at NYU Langone, the study is the first to link vaping to cancer.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor October 18, 2019

In the first study to link vaping to lung cancer, researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center found that e-cigarette vapor can cause lung cancer in mice. Professor Moon-Shong...

Student Health Center provides resources for transgender students. (Photo by Nina Schifano)

NYU Launches Program to Address Long Wait Times for Counseling

Called “While You Wait,” the program gives students the option to participate in group therapy if they have more than two weeks until their next appointment.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor October 8, 2019

A new program by NYU’s Wellness Exchange will provide students access to group therapy if they are experiencing long wait times for individual counselors. Last semester, multiple...

Palladium’s dining hall received 46 points for violations during an inspection. (Staff Photo by Marva Shi)

Students Outraged Over Palladium’s Failed Health Inspection

Many students are angry after Palladium Food Court received a C in a health inspection. It is the second dining hall to fail a health inspection in the past two years.
Mina Mohammadi and Lisa Cochran October 7, 2019

After WSN reported Palladium Food Court failed a health inspection on Tuesday, students have expressed outrage that their thousands of tuition dollars seemingly cannot afford clean...

Tomaso Falchetta, Head of Advocacy and Policy Team of Privacy International, delves into how the use of a technology like biotech can stray from its original intentions, putting innocent people at risk. On Tuesday at the  Brennan Center for Justice held a panel concerning human rights and biometric tools with experts from the UN Security Council, Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, Privacy International, and Human Rights Center. (Staff photo by Min Ji Kim)

Counter-Terrorism Experts Warn of Human Rights Issues With Facial Recognition, Other Biometrics

Although biometrics, which uses a subject’s face or fingerprints to collect data or track them, can be helpful in combatting terrorism, experts say a lack of regulation could lead to discrimination and human rights abuses.
Mina Mohammadi, Deputy News Editor October 2, 2019

NYU students may think of their iPhones when they hear the phrase “facial recognition,” but a panel of experts talked about its potential positive effects in combating terrorism,...

Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter... Social media Apps popular among college students. (Staff Photo by Jorene He)

Tumblr Representative Talks Social Good With Sternies

NYU Net Impact, a club which promotes socially and environmentally conscious business practices, hosted Tumblr’s social impact manager.
Mina Mohammadi, Staff Writer September 19, 2019

A Tumblr representative spoke about the importance of business’ role in promoting diversity to a club at the Stern School of Business on Wednesday. The event “Social Impact...