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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

All content by Michael Landes
The Guitarist's Nobel

The Guitarist’s Nobel

Michael Landes, Staff Writer April 6, 2017
Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize in literature last year, leading many to wonder — do song lyrics genuinely qualify as literature?
Kaitlyn Greenidge, above, read at the Lillian Vernon Creative Writers House with David Means on March 2. Both writers grapple with uneasy images of America in the debut novels from which they read.

Alternate Americas at Reading with Kaitlyn Greenidge, David Means

Michael Landes, Staff Writer March 8, 2017
As much as the phrase "in today's political climate" has become as tired as a marathon runner after a race, there's something to be said for how crystal-clear a lens the alternate-reality novels of Kaitlyn Greenidge and David Means seemed to provide during their reading at the NYU Creative Writers' House last week.
John Avlon speaks at Joe’s Pub, Tuesday. The House of Speakeasy hosted the intellectual talk, which focused on stories about failures.

Failure is Part of the Process

Michael Landes, Staff Writer February 13, 2017
If you're going to fail, you might as well fail upwards. In the words of several esteemed writers — including NYU professor Mitchell S. Jackson — the stories can end up to be pretty entertaining.
Steinhardt’s Drama Therapy Department performed “Power and Privilege As Performance” at Pless Hall Black Box Theater on Saturday. The performance included three short plays.

Performing Power And Privilege

Michael Landes, Staff Writer February 10, 2017
The NYU Drama Therapy program tackled privilege of all sorts with avant-garde flair and talented precision in its presentation of three short plays by its master's candidates last week.
Anne Carson spoke on Thursday at the Lillian Vernon Creative Writers House.

Anne Carson: Icon of Intellect

Michael Landes, Staff Writer February 6, 2017
Anne Carson's reading at the Lillian Vernon Creative Writers' House last week affirmed the writer's position as one of the best authors to combine a sense of humor with translating ancient texts.
Ottessa Moshfegh performed her reading on Tuesday from her now book, “Homesick For Another World.”

Ottessa Moshfegh: A Breath Of Fresh, Strange Air

Michael Landes, Staff Writer January 26, 2017
At her reading this Tuesday, Ottessa Moshfegh embodied the strange reality we've come to live in — replete both with strange humor and terrible situations.
Playwright Basil Kreimendahl creates an extraordinary combination of identity and war in his play, "Orange Julius".

A Tender and Comic Look At Gender, Death and Vietnam

Michael Landes, Staff Writer January 24, 2017
"Orange Julius" explores gender, death and memory through the lens of the Vietnam War.
Poison is now playing at the Beckett Theater and showcases the talent of award winning playwright Lot Vekenmans.

‘Poison:’ A Look at Grief and Love

Michael Landes, Staff Writer November 28, 2016
When poison quite literally taints an already-broken family, how is it possible to heal?
The Playroom Theatre served as the venue for the intimate panel.

When the Internet Meets Theater

Michael Landes, Staff Writer November 21, 2016
In a panel last Tuesday, Broadway bigwigs met to discuss the way forward for technology in theater.
Jefferson Reardon stars in Shakespeare in the Square’s production of Coriolanus.

Another Election Gone Awry

Michael Landes, Staff Writer November 14, 2016
The sheer impressiveness of the physicality in Shakespeare in the Square's adaptation of the classic "Coriolanus" makes it more than just good theater — it makes it an aching vindication of the feelings too often trapped inside ourselves.
The Bad Theater Festival was full of absurdity and cultural comedy, providing a very entertaining season of shows.

Bad Theater Festival: Better Than It Sounds

Michael Landes, Staff Writer November 7, 2016
The Bad Theater Festival is an undeniably necessary part of theater today, preserving and giving due homage to the fringe tradition.
Storyteller Dandy Darkly incorporates an interesting mix of drugs, sexuality, and Greek mythology in his new play, "Myth Mouth".

A Show for the Kings and Queens of Halloween

Michael Landes, Contributing Writer October 20, 2016
Dandy Darkly's new solo show "Myth Mouth" creates a wildly entertaining performance from his quirky, unexpected monologues: be prepared for sloth meat, dogs in space and ostentatious costumes.
Activists from NYC Stands with Standing Rock marched through the Museum of Natural History in what they called “Decolonize This Museum” as a performative protest against the South Dakota pipeline.

Decolonization on the Lower East Side

Michael Landes, Contributing Writer October 17, 2016
A different sort of exhibition took place at the Museum of Natural History last Monday as the members of several different human rights' groups gathered together to bring attention to the demeaning ways the Museum dealt with the history of America's indigenous peoples.
Jamie Duclos-Yourdon discusses his novel, “Froelich’s Ladder,” at Strand, allowing fans to gain some insight into his thought process.

Climbing to Success With ‘Ladder’

Michael Landes, Contributing Writer October 17, 2016
In a comfortable, candid conversation at McNally-Jackson Books last week, author Jamie Duclos-Yourdon shared the inspirations and influences behind his new book, "Froelich's Ladder."

Can’t You Take a Joke?

Michael Landes, Contributing Writer October 11, 2016

Comedians aren’t exactly known for being models of ethics in society. But there’s always been a contract between the audience and the comic: if it’s funny, the comic can...

Major vs. Indie Publishing: What Sells and What Matters

Major vs. Indie Publishing: What Sells and What Matters

Michael Landes, Contributing Writer September 29, 2016
All too often, the contributions of independent book publishers are overlooked in the annals of history, but their presence in literary achievements should not be understated.