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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

All content by Matthew Perry
Thank Racism, Not Anti-Elitism, For Trump

Thank Racism, Not Anti-Elitism, For Trump

Matthew Perry, Staff Writer November 14, 2016
White racial backlash is the one and only reason behind Trump's victory.
Entertainment, such as watching movies, helps close the cultural divide.

Beijing: Living in the Layers of the City

Matthew Perry, Contributing Writer October 24, 2016
Matthew Perry describes his experience studying abroad in Beijing not so much as assimilation, but as comfortable disorientation.
National Anthem Protests Met with Fascist Thinking

National Anthem Protests Met with Fascist Thinking

Matthew Perry, Staff Writer September 22, 2016
Beyond its implication that law enforcement is opposed to calls for justice, the request for cops to abandon protesters is also deeply troubling due to its fascist elements.
Clinton’s 'Basket of Deplorables' Comment Is Both Accurate and Tactical

Clinton’s ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Comment Is Both Accurate and Tactical

Matthew Perry, Staff Writer September 13, 2016
Clinton’s statement was far too calculated to be labeled a gaffe.
Keep Warren in the Senate — She Can Do More There

Keep Warren in the Senate — She Can Do More There

Matthew Perry, Contributing Writer May 2, 2016
Elizabeth Warren is an influential, galvanizing politician who has the proper combination of policy expertise and personal charisma that would be wasted on the vice presidency.
New York Bail Policies Stifle Justice

New York Bail Policies Stifle Justice

Matthew Perry, Contributing Writer April 25, 2016
There is one process housed in the criminal justice system which quietly delivers especially egregious and far-reaching decisions: the bail system.
Stop Calling Hillary Clinton a Republican

Stop Calling Hillary Clinton a Republican

Matthew Perry, Staff Writer April 15, 2016
Although she is hardly the standard-bearer for progressivism, Clinton stands starkly apart from most Republican lawmakers, and to equate the two sets a dangerous and unhelpful tone.
Fall of Trade Unions to Blame for Rise of Partisanship

Fall of Trade Unions to Blame for Rise of Partisanship

Matthew Perry, Contributing Writer April 5, 2016
As manufacturing jobs have dried up and their accompanying trade unions have disappeared, people have fewer and fewer venues to discuss politics in a reasonable and practical way
Alvarez Defeat Shows Millennial Activism is Alive and Well

Alvarez Defeat Shows Millennial Activism is Alive and Well

Matthew Perry, Contributing Writer March 31, 2016
Young people, especially young people of color, are turning their political visions into reality in profound ways across the nation. Their advocacy is not constrained solely to social media and protesting chalked messages — it directly yields tangible political change.
Palewave is an aesthetic of soft pastels and earth tones that is easy to pull off.

MensWEAR What? Week 4: Spring Trends

Matthew Perry, Columnist March 24, 2016

Spring has arrived, and with it, wardrobe overhauls. Gone are the days of elemental black and white outfits, and vibrant colors and exposed skin are here to stay. If this is your...

Only Reform Can Improve Public Perception of Police Unions

Only Reform Can Improve Public Perception of Police Unions

Matthew Perry, Contributing Writer March 9, 2016
Public safety and the fair administration of justice are threatened when police unions are allowed to offer officers more protection than the victims of their misdeeds.
Denim may be a staple, but there's a lot more to picking our your favorite pair of jeans.

MensWEAR What? Week 3: Jeans

Matthew Perry, Columnist March 3, 2016
These denim staples can make or break an outfit.
Qualified Immunity Must Go

Qualified Immunity Must Go

Matthew Perry, Contributing Writer March 3, 2016
Qualified immunity is a dangerous and unfair loophole in our police code, and if we respect ourselves and our sovereignty at all, we must remove it.
Remembering Trayvon with Action and Activism

Remembering Trayvon with Action and Activism

Matthew Perry, Contributing Writer February 26, 2016
Our contemporary brand of racism is dolled-up in coded pleasantries, but its bare bones are the same. As we remember Martin’s death, it is crucial that we reaffirm our dedication to reform our public policy.
The Vans sneaker is a classic, stylish and affordable shoe that can pair up with any outfit.

MensWEAR what? Week Two: Sneakers

Matthew Perry, Columnist February 25, 2016

Everyone needs at least one pair of sneakers in their wardrobe. Finding stylish sneakers is easier and cheaper than ever before, with several retailers offering a pair of sneakers...

MensWEAR What? Week One: Where to shop

MensWEAR What? Week One: Where to shop

Matthew Perry, Columnist February 18, 2016
Menswear made easy. The best shops to find steals and deals in NYC.
The NFL Is Dying a Slow Death, Much Like Its Players

The NFL Is Dying a Slow Death, Much Like Its Players

Matthew Perry, Contributing Writer February 10, 2016
112 million people watched Sunday’s Super Bowl, but 20 years from now, we might be looking back at this decade as a turning point in football’s history.
How Islamic is ISIS?

How Islamic is ISIS?

Matthew Perry, Staff Writer December 8, 2015
Attempts from the right to screen refugees based on their religion, halt construction of mosques or justify casual discrimination against Muslims are all dangerously misguided because the average Muslim has nothing in common with the average ISIS member.
Racial conversations on NYU Facebook groups need understanding

Racial conversations on NYU Facebook groups need understanding

Matthew Perry, Contributing Writer December 1, 2015
Disagreements on the Class of 2019 Facebook page are not free speech disputes.