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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

All content by Amanda Quinn
March for Our Lives, Paris, France.

Photo: NYU’s Abroad Sites Join March for Our Lives Movement

Carine Zambrano, Abroad Editor April 2, 2018

March for Our Lives, Paris, France.

NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, which introduced the Performance Studies major last year. WSN sat down with  junior Jeremy Swanton to discuss the ins and outs of the program.

StageWorks Shines Light on Shakespeare

Amanda Quinn, Contributing Writer February 21, 2017
With a hearty nod towards the Shakespeare classic "Twelfth Night's" leanings towards queer identity, Tisch Drama StageWorks brings hilarity and uproar to the stage.
Aaliyah Habeeb and Leighton Samuels portray the Romans Lucrece and Sextus Tarquinius in the New York Shakespeare Exchange's heart-wrenching performance of this Shakespearean classic.

‘Rape of Lucrece’ Gives Survivors a Voice

Amanda Quinn, Contributing Writer October 19, 2016
In what could have been a performance fraught with discomfort and scenes of trauma, the New York Shakespeare Exchange's portayal of Shakespeare's "The Rape of Lucrece" is amazingly nuanced.
Touching Down at the Brooklyn Book Festival

Touching Down at the Brooklyn Book Festival

Jordyn Fischer, Amanda Quinn and Alli Pierson September 28, 2016
The writers of WSN's Books desk attended the venerable Brooklyn Book Fest, and provided recaps of a handful of the fascinating panels.
Mushuq Mushtaq Deen’s “Draw The Circle" is a one man show telling the story of a Muslim American's transition.

Deen’s ‘Draw The Circle’ Sparks Transgender Discussion

Amanda Quinn, Contributing Writer September 15, 2016
The F*ck!ng Good Pl@ys Festival presents a reading "Draw the Circle," Mushuq Mushtaq Deen's latest play documenting his transition from female to male through dialogue of the people in his life who witnessed his experience.